What to Avoid for Better Teeth and Breath

You brush, rinse, floss—hopefully morning and night—but there’s one more thing you can do to keep your teeth bright and white: consider what they’re chewing. From staining and weakening your enamel to giving you bad breath, there are many hidden culprits in your diets. New York City-based periodontist Dr. Nicholas Toscano explains which items will hurt your smile—and maybe even your personal life. 

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AdminTeeth, HealthComment
Your Brain on Food

There’s still so much we don’t know about the mass of gray stuff in our skulls and how it relates to what we eat. But two new pieces of research support the notion that our brains and appetites are intrinsically intertwined. New findings presented last week, suggest that brain chemistry may cause some temptation by that plate of chocolate chip cookies.

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5 Most Common Workout Blunders

The gym can be an interesting place to go to as a physical therapist. I am always fascinated by the many people who tend to make the same mistakes when working out. Whether it’s overworking a group of muscles or performing an exercise that just won’t get you results, here are the top six common workout errors I see both at the gym and when working with my patients...

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