Posts tagged surgery
What Are the Best Ways To Speed Up Breast Augmentation Recovery?

Breast augmentation surgery is designed to make breasts larger by placing implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles. The goal is to create fuller, larger, and more symmetrical breasts. Regardless of what type of breast implant surgery you have, all patients will feel somewhat uncomfortable and not feel up to getting back to their normal daily routine at first. The length of your recovery will vary depending on how invasive the surgery is and the way in which your body heals naturally.

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What Can Be Done To Make A Mommy Makeover Recovery Smoother?

The Mommy Makeover is a customizable suite of procedures typically performed in a single surgical session and may include breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, liposuction, tummy tuck, vaginal rejuvenation, and more. The chosen procedures usually focus on specific affected areas of the body most impacted by pregnancy. Following surgery, you will be given specific guidelines about how to care for incisions, medications to be taken to reduce the risk of infections, specific concerns you’ll need to watch out for, and when you’ll need to follow up with your plastic surgeon. There are some strategies a patient can employ to make the outcome from a Mommy Makeover as favorable as it can be.

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4 Tips For An Easier Recovery After A Mommy Makeover

There’s no doubt that becoming a mom transforms your life in many ways, and your priorities typically change. In addition to the mental and psychological impacts that growing a new human brings, the associated hormonal surges can cause the breasts, abdomen, and other areas to grow and look different. Along with some often permanent changes to the physique, there’s societal pressure on women to return to their pre-baby weight, so post-partum body insecurities are very common. If you’re worried about what to expect from your own surgery, or are just considering a Mommy Makeover, check out these four ways to improve your chances of having a smooth experience.

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Facelift vs. Non-Surgical Alternatives: How Do They Compare?

When a person’s face eventually loses a significant enough amount of collagen and fat, wrinkles and other signs of aging will develop. Surgical procedures like facelifts are a long-established method of addressing the effects of aging, but there is also a wide range of non-surgical, injectable treatments that tackle some common concerns. Whether you’re having surgery or just a few injections, cosmetic changes are always a big decision. That said, here is a basic summary of the pros and cons of various face-rejuvenating options. Having at least a rough idea of what is available can make an initial consultation run more smoothly.

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