What Can Be Done To Make A Mommy Makeover Recovery Smoother?


Whether or not you’re a mom, if there are multiple cosmetic concerns you want to address all at once, you may benefit from a Mommy Makeover. Chicago’s Iteld Plastic Surgery frequently sees patients who want to restore body and breast contours—especially after pregnancy and childbirth. The Mommy Makeover is a customizable suite of procedures typically performed in a single surgical session and may include breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, liposuction, tummy tuck, vaginal rejuvenation, and more. The chosen procedures usually focus on specific affected areas of the body most impacted by pregnancy.

Many patients choose a Mommy Makeover to enhance their physique, but anyone considering the procedure should know that recovery and results progress over time. The body will heal for several weeks while swelling goes down and your body shape improves. 

Following surgery, you will be given specific guidelines about how to care for incisions, medications to be taken to reduce the risk of infections, specific concerns you’ll need to watch out for, and when you’ll need to follow up with your plastic surgeon. There are some strategies a patient can employ to make the outcome from a Mommy Makeover as favorable as it can be. See below for some suggestions to make your Mommy Makeover recovery as easy as possible

Take Enough Time for Recovery 

A Mommy Makeover can dramatically transform the way you look, but it requires an investment of time for recovery, so you should plan ahead. Your body needs enough time and energy to heal properly, even when the surgeon uses advanced techniques to minimize post-surgery pain and down time. Straining yourself physically could lead to complications or cause delayed healing, so it’s important to take enough time off from work or other activities to fully recover from a Mommy Makeover. Schedule time to rest because it’s critical to give your body enough time to heal. Even if you feel fine after surgery, your body needs time and following post-surgical instructions will be crucial. Dr Iteld and his team will review your expected recovery timeline based on the specific surgery that you select. 

Have Some Basic Supplies Ready 

You’ll likely feel tired at first during recovery and won’t be able to do much, so you’ll want to avoid additional trips to the store by keeping all the supplies you need on hand. Some helpful supplies you may want to keep include antibiotic ointments, antibacterial soap, a digital thermometer, bottled water, low sodium crackers, books and magazines or other things to keep you entertained, and loose, comfortable clothes. Preparing and freezing some meals ahead of time can also be helpful. 

Get Help Around the House 

You’re going to be out of commission for at least the first few days after a Mommy Makeover. Don’t attempt to do it alone. It’s important to have a friend or family member around to help you, as well as a support system at home to help you with cooking, childcare, heavy house cleaning, and caring for pets. 

Avoid Smoking

Smoking or being around cigarette smoke will be detrimental for any form of plastic surgery, including Mommy Makeovers. Nicotine sabotages plastic surgery in a variety of ways, so in addition to not smoking for at least several weeks in advance of the procedure, you should also avoid nicotine in gum, patches, chewing tobacco, pipes, cigars, and e-cigarettes. Our blood carries oxygen, which our flesh needs to survive. If tissues don’t get enough oxygen, the skin, fat, and muscle can die. 

During plastic surgery, some of the blood vessels will be cut, so the remaining vessels are needed to carry oxygen to the surgical site. In addition to causing tissue death, smoking combined with plastic surgery can result in significant complications, such as loss of skin from certain areas after a tummy tuck or breast surgery, infections, hard lumps caused by the death of fat cells, thick scars, fatal blood clots, increased pain, loss of breast implants, and even the need for additional surgeries.

Basically, don’t use any nicotine products if you are going to have surgery!

For more details about what you can do to maximize results from a Mommy Makeover, contact Chicago-based board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lawrence Iteld at Iteld Plastic Surgery. Call 312.757.4505 or submit a contact form to set up a consultation.