What Are the Best Ways To Speed Up Breast Augmentation Recovery?


Everyone looks forward to seeing the results from transformative procedures like breast augmentation. The Portland-based team at The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery reminds patients that although their plastic surgeon does most of the heavy lifting, they themselves will also play an important role in their recovery—and their surgeon won’t be with them for the majority of time when they’re recovering.

When it comes to most things (including plastic surgery), knowledge is power. It’s of utmost importance that patients do their homework so that they are informed and empowered. For instance, just about everyone has heard of breast augmentation, but many people may be curious about what it actually involves.

Breast augmentation surgery is designed to make breasts larger by placing implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles. The goal is to create fuller, larger, and more symmetrical breasts. 

The surgery details will vary and will be customized to fit each individual patient’s needs. You might be excited to see the amazing results you can get from breast augmentation, but also wondering what it will take to get there. Regardless of what type of breast implant surgery you have, all patients will feel somewhat uncomfortable and not feel up to getting back to their normal daily routine at first. The length of your recovery will vary depending on how invasive the surgery is and the way in which your body heals naturally.

Ultimately, each person’s body will heal at its own pace, but there are steps that can be taken to optimize your experience. Want to learn how you can progress along your healing journey as efficiently and effortlessly as possible? Continue scrolling to learn about some of the best ways to recover from breast augmentation at a faster rate. 

Try to Be Patient During Recovery

Let your body guide you when you’re recovering. In other words, take it slow. You can gradually ease back into your work and daily routine, but it’s best not to do too much too soon. Listen to your plastic surgeon and their team, who will give you an expected timeline of recovery.

Avoid Heavy Exercise

You’ll need to avoid strenuous exercise during the earliest stages of recovery. Follow your plastic surgeon’s guidelines for when to resume normal activity and exertion. It’s recommended that you avoid lifting anything more than 20 pounds for the first six weeks, since any heavy lifting or strenuous upper body activities could increase your risk of complications. Stretching and bending will be difficult while you’re recovering, so make sure that everything you need will be easily reachable. 

Wear the Right Clothing 

It’s best to avoid wearing underwire bras for a while when you’re recovering. Underwire bras are not only uncomfortable, but can cause the skin to become irritated and also cause incisions to become inflamed. Choose seamless sports bras that are comfortable and supportive. Have comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that will be easy to slip in and out of. You should wait until your wounds are completely healed before wearing underwire bras again. 

Get Enough Sleep

It’s especially critical to get the nourishment and rest you need when your body is going through a time of increased stress after plastic surgery. Sleep is an important part of healing after breast augmentation. Getting an adequate amount of sleep will support a healthy immune system so that you’ll have an easier and faster recovery. It’s best to sleep on your back and slightly elevated after having breast augmentation surgery. Sleeping on your back will help to reduce swelling, improve circulation, and ensure that the breasts are kept in a more natural position while you’re healing. 

Ready to find out more about breast augmentation—and other cosmetic procedures? Contact The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery. Patients will find the full details on cosmetic surgical procedures including breast augmentation. Call 503-882-0124 or fill out a contact form to schedule a consultation if you would like to learn more.