Posts tagged skin
Facelift vs. Non-Surgical Alternatives: How Do They Compare?

When a person’s face eventually loses a significant enough amount of collagen and fat, wrinkles and other signs of aging will develop. Surgical procedures like facelifts are a long-established method of addressing the effects of aging, but there is also a wide range of non-surgical, injectable treatments that tackle some common concerns. Whether you’re having surgery or just a few injections, cosmetic changes are always a big decision. That said, here is a basic summary of the pros and cons of various face-rejuvenating options. Having at least a rough idea of what is available can make an initial consultation run more smoothly.

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How To Avoid ‘Fake’ Fillers

People often mistakenly assume that because the soft-gel fillers used to add volume to the skin are non-surgical, there’s no need to worry about risks associated with them. While filler treatments are not as invasive as plastic surgery, they are still medical procedures that should be handled with care by a qualified injector. When performed this way, the likelihood of complications is reduced significantly.

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