Posts tagged facelift
Facelift vs. Non-Surgical Alternatives: How Do They Compare?

When a person’s face eventually loses a significant enough amount of collagen and fat, wrinkles and other signs of aging will develop. Surgical procedures like facelifts are a long-established method of addressing the effects of aging, but there is also a wide range of non-surgical, injectable treatments that tackle some common concerns. Whether you’re having surgery or just a few injections, cosmetic changes are always a big decision. That said, here is a basic summary of the pros and cons of various face-rejuvenating options. Having at least a rough idea of what is available can make an initial consultation run more smoothly.

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Facelift Variations Explained

No one can completely escape the fact that with age comes undesired changes to the muscle, fat, and skin on the face. Your options include steps to feel more confident about your looks with cosmetic treatments, such as facelift surgery. To that end, Philadelphia’s Dr. Timothy Greco and his team remind patients that there are various types of facelifts, neck lifts, and other facial plastic surgery procedures that can be performed, depending on what a patient hopes to achieve. The options—which include an S-lift and anterior cervicoplasty—depend on both patient and doctor preferences, as well as the current state of facial tissues and the desired goals.

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