How To Stop Kids Arguing On Long Car Journeys


Every parent knows that long car journeys with young kids can be a real nightmare. If they get irritable and start arguing with one another, things can quickly spiral out of control. It's tough to get them to behave when they are stuck in a small space together and they're bored, so you need to be prepared. These are some of the best ways to stop kids arguing on long car journeys. 

Make Them Comfortable

The first thing you should do is make sure the kids are comfortable. If they're squashed up, uncomfortable and unable to stretch their legs then they will quickly get irritated with one another. There's a reason why space is one of the main things you should look for when buying a family car. It's worth considering an upgrade to something bigger like a Landrover if your current car is tight for space. Clear out all of the clutter from the car too, so the kids have plenty of room and they are comfortable. 

Keep Them Entertained

A long car journey with kids can be pretty boring for them, especially if they are young. So, you need to make sure you have everything planned out ahead of time so that the kids are constantly entertained. Bring some portable DVD players along for each child, load up on DVDs and snacks, and let them watch movies while you drive down the motorway. Bring some books and think up some games that they can play in the car too. If you can stop them from getting bored, you can sidestep any arguments. 

Deal With Sibling Rivalry

The next thing you should do is deal with any sibling rivalry as quickly as possible. Rivalries between siblings are a common cause of arguments and can cause a lot of tension on a long car journey. You can deal with sibling rivalries by talking to your children about what they are feeling. Ask them what the root of their problem with each other is, and then talk them through it calmly before you leave. If you can deal with sibling rivalries before you set off, you will have a much easier life. 

Plan Plenty of Stops

A long car journey can be a pretty stressful experience for all passengers, but especially the kids. To make things easier for everyone, you should plan plenty of stops along the way.  At least every couple of hours, pull off the road and stop at a service station. The kids will be able to stretch their legs and you'll have a chance to refresh yourself with a drink or something to eat. You can also make sure that everybody has been to the bathroom because kids will soon get irritable if they need the toilet and they can't go. Driving when you're tired is very dangerous, so taking regular breaks is important whether you are driving with kids or not. 

A lot of parents dread long car journeys with their kids because they worry about arguments. But if you follow these tips, you can keep the peace.