Everything You Need To Know About Sleep Hygiene


Sleep is an integral part of health and wellbeing. The quality of sleep that you get has an impact on how you look and feel each day. Sleep hygiene references healthy sleeping habits. Sleep hygiene is not only essential for physical and mental health. It also contributes to the general quality of life. The behaviours and things that affect your sleep quality are not just the ones you do an hour or two before bed. Your schedule, food choices and several other activities in your day affect how you sleep. Here are some sleep hygiene tips that will ensure that you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to seize the day:

Have a consistent sleep routine

A comfortable pre-bedtime routine is a good prerequisite for good sleep. It helps you to unwind before going to sleep. Create a consistent program before bed. You could have a warm bath, stretch, listen to soothing music, and meditate every day before bed. Incorporate things that make you feel more relaxed in your routine as long as they do not involve being on your phone. Sleeping and waking up at the same time every day also puts your body on a regular cycle, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up each day. You cannot do a routine for a day and expect your body to catch up immediately. It is crucial to stay consistent. The more consistent you are, the easier it will be for your body to recognize bedtime. Also, ensure that you are getting the recommended hours of sleep each night.

Switch off your electronics, or at least keep them away

Your phone and other electronic gadgets release blue light that can lower melatonin levels in your body and mess up your circadian rhythm. Melatonin regulates the sleep-wake cycle, and low levels make it hard for you to fall asleep. Electronic devices are also very distracting. They will keep your brain alert, also making it hard to fall asleep. Notifications and buzzing sounds from your phone can also keep you awake. That means that it is not enough to avoid them before bed. You also need to keep them away or switch them off. The same goes for the TV, computer, books or any other over stimulating activity.


Exercise is known to improve sleep quality as well as overall health. As little as 20 minutes of physical activity during the day can help you fall asleep at night. You will wake up fewer times in the night, therefore, contributing to deeper sleep. If you can, do the exercises outside. Exposure to natural light will help in the regulation of your sleep cycle. That said, indoor workouts are also better than nothing. Try to slot your exercises earlier in the day. Exercising too close to your bedtime could increase your heart rate and energy levels, making it harder to fall asleep.

Reduce caffeine intake

Caffeine intake could get you overly stimulated, making it harder to fall asleep. Eliminate caffeine intake but if you must get a sip, limit the consumption to the morning hours. That afternoon cuppa may have lasting effects and keep you up longer than you may have anticipated. With caffeine, everyone has different tolerance levels. Know how caffeine affects your body to adjust your consumption.

Create a sleep-friendly environment

You want your bedroom to induce sleep. It is easier to fall asleep in a cool, dark, quiet bedroom. A bedroom temperature of between 60 degrees to 67 degrees Fahrenheit is optimal for sleeping. Ensure that your mattress, pillows, and bedsheets are comfortable too. A cosy mattress will contribute to restful sleep. If you have body aches and pains, you may need a mattress that relieves pressure points like the Tempurpedic mattress. A good mattress will help you maintain spinal alignment to assist your spine to relax as you sleep and maintain proper posture. The kind of mattress you settle for and the degree of firmness totally depend on your personal preference. If your bedroom gets too much light at night, consider investing in blackout curtains or an eye mask to maintain a proper sleep environment. If you are a light sleeper, you could get some earplugs so that you can sleep without distractions.

Go to bed when tired

Tossing and turning in bed without sleep will only make you frustrated. If you are not tired by bedtime, find a relaxing activity to do until you are tired enough. The more you are awake in bed, the harder it will be to fall asleep. You can unwind with a book or some deep breathing exercises before getting back to bed when you are tired enough to sleep.

Avoid napping or limit your nap times

The occasional siesta feels nice, but if it takes longer than 40 minutes, it could be detrimental to your nighttime sleep. Avoid taking naps too late in the day. They make it harder to sleep during your usual hours at night. If you have to catch a power nap, keep it to less than half an hour and ensure that they are not too late in the afternoon.

Destress before going to bed

When you go to bed with anxious thoughts, you are likely to keep tossing and turning. Stress boggling your mind will keep your brain on overdrive and consequently lead to an endless cycle of inadequate sleep. Well, meditation is an excellent way to destress before bed and manage anxious thoughts. Meditation makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. You could also consider doing some yoga before bed. Keeping a journal by your bedside to jot down your fears and create a to-do list for the next day helps deal with stressful thoughts. It is easier to fall asleep when you have happy thoughts.

Final Remarks

Proper sleep hygiene improves the quality of sleep. That increases productivity, promotes physical and mental wellbeing as well as the quality of life. It also helps with improving the immune system, promoting muscle repair and increased energy levels. The recommendations above will help you make the most of your hours of sleep to boost your overall health!