Posts tagged Caffeine
How Much Sleep Do You Need to Study Effectively?

We remember what it was like. The weekend study groups, the late-night library visits, the early-morning cramming sessions. Suddenly after a semester’s worth of cruising along, our exams would be upon us.  Fast. With this sudden realisation, panic would set in. And a fierce determination to study that we’d never had before. And our sleep would suffer as a result. Looking back, it’s easy to see how foolish we were. Because depriving ourselves of sleep wasn’t doing our grades any favours!

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How To Have A Healthier Brain

The brain is often overlooked when we talk about health and that’s to detriment of our overall wellness. Mental illness isn’t discussed enough – and neither is the physical health of our actual brains. With Alzheimer’s numbers on the rise, more people are trying to find ways...

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