Posts tagged mom life
Top 4 Mommy Makeover Recovery Tips

A Mommy Makeover is highly transformative, but although you may be excited to see what your final results look like, it will take several weeks—at least—for the swelling to go down and your enhanced body shape to become visible. The exact timeline for recovery depends on which specific collection of procedures you have had done and how complex they are. Having a clearer understanding of the procedure steps and aftercare will also ease any feelings of stress or anxiety you might have. With all of this in mind, there are some steps you can take to ensure that your recovery is as comfortable and smooth as possible. See below for some tips to make Mommy Makeover recovery easier:

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So You're A Single Mom — What Now?

If you're a single mom, you aren't alone. Single mothers are the head of roughly 15 million households in the U.S. today. That's about a 25% increase from three decades ago when being a single mom was still somewhat taboo. . No one has to tell you how difficult that can be. However, whether you've been a single mom for a day, a month or a year, there are ways to make motherhood a bit more manageable. Here are just a few tips that may help you handle the chaos and regain a bit of your sanity.

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