Top 4 Mommy Makeover Recovery Tips


Wondering what to expect from Mommy Makeover recovery? New Jersey’s The Peer Group explains that it’s best for patients to do their research and learn as much as they can about recovery before having this form of cosmetic surgery. Many patients have concerns about what medication they will be given or prescribed after surgery; whether they will have dressings, drains, or bandages—and for how long; whether they can bathe or shower; when they will be able to resume their normal activities; and when will they need to return for follow up care. There’s certainly plenty to consider, so it’s a good idea to ask plenty of questions about your individual recovery period during your consultation.

A Mommy Makeover is highly transformative, but although you may be excited to see what your final results look like, it will take several weeks—at least—for the swelling to go down and your enhanced body shape to become visible. The exact timeline for recovery depends on which specific collection of procedures you have had done and how complex they are. Having a clearer understanding of the procedure steps and aftercare will also ease any feelings of stress or anxiety you might have.

With all of this in mind, there are some steps you can take to ensure that your recovery is as comfortable and smooth as possible. See below for some tips to make Mommy Makeover recovery easier:

1. Have a Support System in Place

You’re going to be out of commission for a while after any form of plastic surgery. Even if you’re used to doing everything on your own, it’s best to arrange for help from a friend or family member instead of trying to soldier on as you recover from this procedure. This is the time when you’ll need to get as much rest as you can without having to worry about chores. At minimum, you will need someone to drive you to and from the surgery and stay with you overnight after. You’ll also need help with childcare, household chores, and caring for pets for a few weeks. Patients will have difficulty standing for a long time, bending, or reaching, which will make performing everyday tasks difficult. You’ll benefit from emotional support from loved ones, as patients often experience a whirlwind of emotions during the early stages of recovery.

2. Avoid Strenuous Exercise

Patients are advised to avoid jogging, heavy lifting of any sort (including lifting children), contact sports, and any other kinds of heavy exercise for around six weeks or until they are fully healed after a Mommy Makeover. If you resume intense exercise too quickly, it could lead to complications such as delayed healing, scarring, or even a need for additional surgery. However, easing into light cardio such as walking will be encouraged because it promotes blood circulation while helping you to heal faster and regain your strength.

3. Keep Compression Garments On

If a surgeon recommends that you wear one, it’s best to continue wearing the compression garment until they tell you that it’s safe to take it off. This garment keeps swelling, bruising, and pain down while holding your skin together and helping it to heal better. Compression garments are especially beneficial for patients who have had body contouring procedures like tummy tucks.

4. Get Your Home Prepared

One of the things you can do before tummy tuck surgery is get your home prepared for recovery. Since your mobility will be limited, it makes sense to take objects down from high shelves and keep everything you need within reach. Fill your prescriptions ahead of time and stock up on any essentials you’ll need during recovery, such as pre-cooked meals, water, clean bed sheets, and loose, comfortable clothes that are easy to remove. Get any chores or errands out of the way so that you will have less to worry about while you’re recovering.

For more advice about having a Mommy Makeover, contact New Jersey’s The Peer Group. Call them at 973-822-3000 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation and they can answer any questions you have about the procedure.