Will Moisturizers Stop Wrinkles from Forming?

We know that moderate to severe wrinkles can be reduced with injectables like BOTOX® and JUVÉDERM® ULTRA. The Los Angeles-based team at Skin Care and Laser Physicians of Beverly Hills explains that while facial fillers and neuromodulators are routinely used to give patients’ skin a smoother, more youthful appearance, women and men seeking the best skin possible also shouldn’t neglect their day-to-day skin care regimens.

Skin is the body’s largest organ, and it needs continuous maintenance. In-office treatments like facial fillers and injectable neurotoxins work best when they are combined with a good, consistent daily skin care routine. With that in mind, patients are often curious about how to put together the perfect at-home skin care routine for their skin type.

Your skin routine doesn’t have to be complex, but everyone should include three basic steps: cleansing, moisturizing, and applying sunscreen.

Moisturizing can seem like just another chore on top of everything else you do, but it’s important not to skip this step, regardless of your skin type. 

But does moisturizing prevent wrinkles? The truth is that the effects of aging are inevitable, and many are due to chemical changes within the skin. Skin’s collagen production decreases over time, which means its structure also weakens. To make things worse, skin also endures damage from other stressors such as sun damage, stress, pollution, and lifestyle habits like smoking.

Unfortunately, moisturizer on its own isn’t going to prevent wrinkles and fine lines from developing. However, face creams do improve the overall appearance of the skin, helping to make it look healthier and younger. Wrinkles always look more pronounced on skin that is dry and parched. Moisturizers nourish and hydrate your skin. By preventing water loss from the upper layers to retain water in the skin, moisturizers help to better “conceal” wrinkles. 

Keep in mind that moisturizing should be done after a bath or after shaving or exfoliating. This is because hot water can leave your skin dry, itchy, and irritated as the water, healthy bacteria, and natural oils are stripped away—so you need to replenish the moisture. 

It’s also important to remember that moisturizing isn’t just about aesthetics. It’s also crucial for maintaining healthy skin. These are some of the reasons you should moisturize. 

Helps Keep Your Skin Balanced

Moisturizing your skin properly can reduce the chance of developing skin problems that occur when it’s too oily or too dry. Both extremes can be detrimental to the skin and make it more likely for issues such as acne flare-ups to occur. 

Masks Skin Imperfections

Another major reason to moisturize is that the creams or lotions make existing skin blemishes less noticeable. If your moisturizer contains a tint or self-tanner, it can also make your complexion look more even. 

Protects Your Skin 

Additionally, moisturizer can help to protect areas of the skin that are most vulnerable to environmental damage—the face, ears, neck, and chest. These areas are more likely to experience dryness and have a higher risk for developing skin cancer

It’s worth noting that some types of moisturizers are better than others and knowing the correct way to apply these products can help you maximize their effectiveness. It’s best to choose a moisturizer that’s packed with plenty of nutrients and also contains SPF to provide protection against sun exposure during the daytime. Choose a moisturizer that’s designed for your skin type. Take a look at the ingredients list on your moisturizer and make sure it contains a humectant such as glycerin or hyaluronic acid, since these provide longer lasting moisturization. 

Get more advice about how to reduce wrinkles with JUVÉDERM® ULTRA from the Los Angeles-based Skin Care and Laser Physicians of Beverly Hills. If you are searching for treatments that soften facial wrinkles, call 310-246-0495 or fill out a contact form online to request a consultation so that they can discuss your goals with you and help you decide on the best treatment method.