What Supplies Will You Need At Home For A More Relaxed Mommy Makeover Recovery?


One of the most rewarding forms of cosmetic surgery someone can have to address pregnancy-related physical changes is a Mommy Makeover. The Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute team reminds patients that planning ahead can make the recovery after surgery easier, quicker, and more comfortable.

Cosmetic surgery is often something on the minds of patients who have given birth, who also may wonder or worry that they’ll be out of commission for a chunk of time while they’re recovering from a Mommy Makeover. One of the biggest concerns tends to be figuring out who’s going to help take care of their family throughout the process—especially if they have young children. 

Your surgeon can better explain what type of shape you’ll be in for a few weeks following the procedure, as well as how much assistance will be needed. After a tummy tuck as part of a Mommy Makeover, patients will need plenty of TLC, and it may be better to recover away from small children while a family member or friend takes over the typical household duties and helps with everyday tasks.

Some level of discomfort during the first few days of recovery from plastic surgery should be expected as the body heals. This can’t be completely avoided, but the arrangements you make in advance of the procedure will ensure that your recovery time at home will be calmer and less stressful than if you didn’t.


You might prefer to do everything on your own, but after surgery, you’re going to need plenty of help with childcare, pet care, and everyday tasks for at least a few weeks. Even just lifting groceries or small children will be too much. Friends, family, or nurse aids will be essential to have around until you’re back on your feet again. 

Hand Sanitizer, Disinfectant Spray, and Antibacterial Soap 

Germ-fighting products are essential for preventing infections, and you’re encouraged to wash your hands constantly. Hand sanitizer and a disinfectant spray for hard surfaces will also help to fend off infections and germs. 


You should plan to have everything you’re going to need at home for when you come back from surgery. It’s a good idea to stock up on frozen meals or pre-make meals (meal prep) so that you won’t need to cook. Also, be sure to grab snacks like crackers or popsicles just in case you don’t have much of an appetite during the first week of recovery. 

Bottled Water 

Water has many amazing health benefits, such as swelling, helping nutrients to be transported to cells, maintaining organ function, and preventing infections. Hydration will be important for staying in good health after surgery—especially during the first few days, because the anesthesia and other medications will need to be flushed out of your system. 

When you’re feeling soreness and weakness in the days after surgery, dehydration can make things worse. Drinking plenty of water boosts your energy levels and will help you to tolerate pain better. Keep lots of water in an area that’s easily accessible, and don’t forget to drink at regular intervals, even if it seems inconvenient. Though it might seem basic, untwist beverage caps before surgery because moving your arms will be difficult. 

Comfy, Loose Clothes

Even though clothing might not seem like a big deal, the right choices can make your recovery much easier. You don’t want tight clothing that will rub against your incisions. Loose clothing will be much more comfortable, especially if you’re spending so much time resting in bed. If you’ve had a breast augmentation, it makes sense to wear a shirt that buttons in the front so that there will be no need to raise your arms over your head. 

Want to know more about Mommy Makeover surgery? The team at Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute will answer any questions you have and discuss your goals for this procedure. If you would like to discuss cosmetic surgery, call 615.932.7700, or fill out a contact form to request an appointment.