Top Reasons Why You Need To Lower Your Sugar Intake

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Sugar is a dangerous thing, the problem is that it often coats some of our favourite treats. It is completely addictive and a lot of people really do find it hard to cut it out of their diet. If you are one of those people then you’ll be glad to know that there are some things that you can do to try and turn things around, and this includes opting for low-sugar drinks and even flavored water with no sugar as well. If you want to find out some of the benefits of cutting out sugar, then take a look below.


Lowers Blood Pressure

Obesity is one of the many consequences you will face if you eat way too much sugar. New research has shown that if you have a lot of sugar in your diet then this can increase the workload of your heart and this can eventually lead to a heart attack, stroke or even kidney damage. It’s hard to believe that all of this comes from sugar, but it couldn’t be more true and there has never been a better time for you to cut it out of your diet. Healthy eating and exercise can help to reverse this, but only if you cut down on sugar as well.


Prevents High Cholesterol

Sugar can also give you very high cholesterol. If you have a diet that is very focused on sugar then this will probably lower your HDL and it will also give you higher levels of LDL as well. LDL is the bad cholesterol that you will want to look out for. You may also experience a much higher level of blood fat and this can clog up your arteries and lead you to experience a ton of health issues at a later date. If you were to cut out sugar, then you could avoid all of these problems.


Keeps your Brain Sharp

You have probably been warned that sweets can eat away at your tooth enamel but what’s even worse than this is that it can eat away at your brain power as well. if you have too much sugar then this can inhibit your responsiveness and it can even impair your memory as well. Studies have been done on this countless times and they all seem to show the same results, so if you eat a lot of sugar then you could actually be compromising your own intellectual ability.


Reduced Risk of Dementia

If you have a high sugar diet then this will lower the production of BDNF. This is a brain-derived neurotrophic and this helps the brain to form new memories. It can also help the brain to remember the past as well, and if you have a lot of sugar in your diet then all of this can be impaired. You may find it harder to remember things and this is a seriously bad sign that you should be looking out for.

So there are many benefits that you get when you lower your sugar intake, and the amount of problems you’ll experience if you don’t really are countless. Remember that it is never too late to make a change.


Reduced Risk of Dementia

If you have a high sugar diet then this will lower the production of BDNF. This is a brain-derived neurotrophic and this helps the brain to form new memories. It can also help the brain to remember the past as well, and if you have a lot of sugar in your diet then all of this can be impaired. You may find it harder to remember things and this is a seriously bad sign that you should be looking out for.

So there are many benefits that you get when you lower your sugar intake, and the amount of problems you’ll experience if you don’t really are countless. Remember that it is never too late to make a change.