How Do You Treat Summer Skin Damage?


Anyone who wants to improve the appearance of their skin—especially to address changes caused by sun exposure from months of outdoor activities—should consider laser skin resurfacing. Madison, WI’s Radiance Skin Therapy & Laser Center recommends laser-based treatments as an effective means of post-summer improvement for the tone and texture of the skin without the need for surgery.

Laser treatments can be ideal for enhancing skin that has been damaged by heat, dryness, and ultraviolet radiation. Although we know that aging is a major factor that affects the appearance of our skin, seasonal changes should also be considered if you want to keep it in the best shape possible. The weather can certainly take its toll on our skin, and its effects can be particularly damaging when we shift from warm to cold weather or the other way around.

There are many exciting things to look forward to when the fall season arrives, but the effect the new season has on our skin may not be so enjoyable. 

You may observe that your skin feels tighter and drier than it normally does in the cooler weather, and if your skin is acne-prone, you’re also probably experiencing more frequent flare-ups than you normally would. Additionally, you may still be dealing with skin damage that occurred during the hotter months. Summer represents the perfect opportunity to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine, but it’s also rough on your skin. Specifically, sun exposure can cause pigmentation changes to the skin and break down collagen, leading to the development of wrinkles. Not to mention, our skin is more likely to be congested with sweat and oil in the warmer weather, and we can continue to deal with the effects long after autumn begins.

Even with perfect sunscreen use, it’s common to be left with skin imperfections such as redness, dark spots, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and broken blood vessels after the season of heat is over. Some of the effects of the damage may already be visible, but in other cases, the damage can occur at a cellular level, and it may accumulate for years before the effects finally show.

If you spent a lot of time outside this summer, you’re probably wondering how to repair the damage to your skin. Continue reading to learn more about how you can address common skin irregularities related to a season spent in the sun:

Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Many of our facial wrinkles, especially those that occur on the central and lower areas of the face such as the cheeks and around the lips, are caused by too much sun exposure. The sun can change the texture of the skin and cause it to lose elasticity, causing permanently etched-in wrinkles. Additionally, if you squint and furrow your brows when you’re exposed to bright sunlight, the repetitive action can cause dynamic wrinkles around the eyes to develop. Injectable fillers can help to reduce wrinkles that are caused by damage to collagen from sun exposure. If your wrinkles are primarily caused by contractions of facial muscles while squinting, then neurotoxin injections will be the most effective option. Either way, by heating the underlying lasers of skin, lasers encourage the growth of collagen to soften facial wrinkles. 

Uneven Pigmentation

Age spots, sunspots, melasma, and tanning are all common signs of sun damage. Even if your skin isn’t noticeably sunburned and regardless of how pale or dark your skin is naturally, it could still be damaged from ultraviolet radiation. Sun exposure also causes blood vessels to become enlarged and if the outer layer of skin peels off due to a sunburn, the underlying blood vessels will look more pronounced. Laser skin resurfacing and light-based treatments like IPL destroy the areas of excess, unwanted pigment on the skin to make it clearer. Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and microneedling also help to improve skin tone. Try products containing retinol, vitamin B3, and vitamin C to lighten dark spots. 

Searching for ways to get a clearer, more youthful complexion? For more information about what to expect from laser skin resurfacing, contact Madison, WI’s Radiance Skin Therapy & Laser Center. Call (608) 240-0088 or fill out a contact form to get in touch with them and request a consultation if you would like to discuss laser skin treatments.