Choosing The Right Size Afo Socks: Measurements Explained


Countless types of socks are on the market these days. They come from numerous brands and are available in a wide range of styles, cuts, colors, patterns, materials, and sizes. Needless to say, not all of them are right for everyone. This is especially true for people who need an ankle foot orthosis. Though you can choose from various colors and styles, even finding the right fit can be a challenge.

Additionally, most socks have rough seams and tend to bunch up in all the wrong places, like around the ankles, in the arch of the foot, or underneath the toes. On top of that, some of the softer socks end up being too thick to be cool and comfortable whereas thin, cool versions aren't thick enough to provide comfort. That's where afo socks come into play. You could say they're a cut above the other socks on the market.

What Are AFO Socks?

AFO socks are specifically designed to be used with an ankle foot orthosis. They're made of soft materials and without seams or heels, so you don't have to worry about them rubbing blisters on your toes or getting twisted and turned around while you're in motion. They're made to prevent sagging and bunching but also offer extra length so they can be folded over. Some are also woven with special fibers to keep the feet cooler, wick away sweat, and help prevent odors. For the many people in the world who require an ankle foot orthosis for various reasons, those features can be particularly helpful.

AFO Sock Sizing

To make the most of all the benefits AFO socks have to offer, it's important to get the right size. While these types of socks come in different sizes, choosing the right one isn't the same as picking out standard socks. To get started, you'll need to be wearing your ankle foot orthosis.

Then, use a sewing tape measure to measure from the tips of the toes to the top of the brace. These types of tape measures are soft and flexible, so they'll easily bend according to the curves of your foot and ankle. If you don't have a sewing tape, you can use a ribbon or other flexible piece of material, mark it at the right places, and hold it up to a regular ruler to find the length.

Measure along the top of the foot and front of the leg rather than along the bottom of the foot and heel. You can measure in inches or centimeters. Keep in mind, these socks are soft, stretchy, and designed without heels, so they'll be sure to fit as long as you get the right measurement. From there, refer to a sizing chart to find the right size for you.

Enjoy the Advantages of Having the Right Type of Sock

Though an endless lineup of socks is at your disposal, they're definitely not all created equally. Standard socks have their place, but they have their fair share of problems as well. AFO socks are made with the needs of people who require an ankle foot orthosis in mind, and they eliminate many of the problems of traditional socks. Don't hesitate to take advantage of all the benefits AFO socks have to offer, and use the tips we've provided to make sure you get the right size from the start.