4 Ways Your Body Can Absorb CBD: What Is Your Method of Choice?


Many people are discovering the benefits and enjoyment of using CBD.  Some people use CBD as a major part of the daily supplemental intake to support wellness. Some use it to ease the stress of their daily lives. There are many reasons to use CBD. However, there are often questions about the method to take CBD. There are several methods available that allow the body to absorb CBD into the bloodstream. Some are more effective than others. Some are more enjoyable than others. This list will allow consumers the ability to find the absorption method that works best for them.

Oral Ingestion

The most common method for taking CBD is by eating it. Many people choose a variety of oils or edibles that they can eat and enjoy the benefits of CBD. There are a variety of edibles here that can help consumers find a tasty and fun way to get their CBD. For the body to get the benefits of CBD, it must be absorbed into the bloodstream. The ability of a product to get to the bloodstream is often referred to as the bioavailability of that product. For oral ingestion of CBD, the bioavailability rates somewhere between 4% and 20% based on research. This lower and varied bioavailability is due to the fact that the CBD must first go through the digestive system before it can reach the bloodstream. It can also take up to two hours before the CBD makes it to the bloodstream.

Sublingual Delivery

Another popular way to absorb CBD is by using sublingual drops. These drops are placed under the tongue where they can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. The sublingual gland helps to facilitate the direct absorption of the CBD and prevents a lot of the loss that can occur during digestion. The bioavailability rate of sublingual drops is between 12% and 35%. The variance is due to the saliva's ability to break down the CBD before it is completely absorbed. This is significantly higher than ingesting CBD. In addition, the rate of absorption of CBD tincture is much faster than ingesting. The effects of the CBD can be felt in as little as 20 minutes after dosing.

Inhaling CBD Smoke or Vapors

Another method for absorbing CBD is by smoking or vaping the product. The lungs provide a large surface area that is very absorptive. This allows nearly all the smoke or vapor inhaled to come in contact with the alveoli in the lungs. Once this smoke or vapor passes through the alveoli, the CBD is delivered directly to the bloodstream.  Various studies have shown the bioavailability of smoking or vaping CBD can provide rates between 34% and 46%, with some cases rating higher. In addition, the CBD is almost instantaneously delivered to the bloodstream. This makes smoking or vaping CBD the best method for fast and efficient delivery of CBD to the bloodstream. However, this method may pose risks of injuries and damages to the lungs, especially with prolonged usage.

Topical Applications

There are many varieties of CBD tincture, oils, lotions, and salves that can be applied directly to the skin. Unfortunately, this type of usage of CBD will not reach the bloodstream. The skin is a protective barrier that will keep these larger molecules from ever reaching below the skin and into the bloodstream. However, there are cannabinoid receptors in the skin. If the CBD is absorbed into the surface of the skin, it can interact with these receptors and provide more localized help to specific issues. However, it will take a liberal amount of these topical products to allow the CBD to be absorbed into the skin to reach these receptors.

Although some methods of CBD absorption may seem better than others, it is still a personal choice for each user. Some people who are more sensitive to the product may prefer an option that provides a lower absorption rate. Others may need something to treat a specific area of the body. Some people may just enjoy the flavor of the CBD edibles. Whatever the choice, there is a product to suit those needs.