Pain Relief That Doesn't Cost A Fortune


For one reason or another your body might be in pain. We’re going to explore some cheap ways to manage that pain and show you how you can do so, everyday as part of your routine. This is what most of us want, some way to manage pain in our normal lives without having to pay for an expensive prescription from the doctor. Pain is something useful. It's our body’s way of telling us something isn’t right and that we need to change about our lifestyle, whether it's physical activity or our diet. But only you can look into that, we’re just going to show you how you can aid yourself.

Why does RICE work?

The reason why RICE keeps coming up in every single physician’s textbook when they go to school is because it works. Resting is important, but misunderstood. When we say rest, we mean don’t put the aching part of your body through stress. So if you hurt your hand, don’t ask it to grasp things if it hurts to do so. Even though you may not need a hand support of some kind, you should treat it as if you don’t have mobility of it. 

Then use ice. Ice contracts the blood vessels, preventing swelling by not allowing fluid to build up. This can actually help the process of healing because the swelling prevents white blood cells from entering the area to do their job. Compress the area throughout the day, using something like a compression sleeve or bandage wrap. Elevate it so blood does not pool at an area as the body can sometimes do more harm to itself than good when immediately repairing an area.

Use an organic pain killer

If you don’t want to jam a lot of chemicals into your system like many pain relief medicines have you do, you can use Organic Kratom which is a natural opioid. It has a natural pain relief ingredient called mitragynine which helps to soothe the area while telling pain receptors to calm down. It's from the Kratom tree which is usually found in tropical South Asian countries such as Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, etc. Because of the climate, it can have a peppery taste but the color is a bright green. It's important to take this in moderation, because it is an opioid which like many others of its class, can be addictive and have side effects.

Compression sleeve 

This is something that you can wear as clothing or as a traditional sleeve. You see athletes in the NBA and NFL wear compression sleeves because of a muscle tear or joint pain. Adidas and other brands now make compression t-shirts and other types of compression clothing that help in workouts. They keep your muscles closer to your joints and your tendons better protected from over-strain. This is something that could help you if you want to wear something to help with everyday pain.

Try these methods of pain control first before you buy expensive pain killers and other contraptions to manage your aches and pains. Let us know how you got on.