Getting Into A Healthy Routine Is Non-Negotiable For Wellness


Everyone talks about wellness, but how many people do you know who actually achieve it? The number is usually pretty small. The vast majority try to get into better habits for a while, but eventually revert to their old ways. 

The trick here is to get into a routine. Yes, they’re boring, but they’re also highly effective. With them, you can put your health on autopilot and focus on everything else you have to do as a mom. 

So what, exactly, does a healthy routine look like? Read on to find out. 

Spend Time Outside

At least part of your day should be spent outside. If you’re cooped up indoors all day in the office or just at home, it’ll start having a negative effect on your health. Eventually, you’ll lose vitamin D and organs in your body that require sunlight won’t get enough of them. 

There’s also evidence that being outside helps people to relax. Getting out is all part of a healthy routine, according to the Inner Voyage Recovery clinic. Being in nature reduces stress and allows the body to function correctly. 

Go To Bed At The Same Time Every Night

You don’t have to go to bed bang on 10:30 PM, but allowing yourself to hit the sack within a one-hour window can be highly beneficial for your health. The reason for this is pretty simple: once your body gets into a routine, it’ll come to expect sleep at a certain time. Then, when you go to bed, you can maximize the efficiency of your time in the sack, instead of wasting it trying to get to sleep. 

Cook More

Getting take-out might seem like a good option, but it can actually damage your health quite severely if you make a habit of it. The antidote to this is to cook more. 

When you get food from a restaurant, you have no control over what goes into it. Almost always, it’s higher in salt, fat, sugar and calories – all things you don’t want if you’re trying to live a healthy life.

When you cook at home, though, it’s a different story. Cooking from scratch reduces the junk in your meals and gives you more control over your nutrition. If you don’t have time to cook during the week, batch prepare meals at the weekend and store them in your freezer. 

Find An Interest

While days should be predictable, you don’t want them to be 100 percent robotic, like you’re just going through the motions with no variation. 

To combat this, try finding an interest. Look for something that really excites you that you can do in the evenings or while you’re not working.

Spend Time With Positive People

Lastly, you’ll want to find a way to spend time with more positive people. Having good relationships in your life can improve your health and support you when times get tough. Most moms need some sort of social interaction or event at least once or twice per week.