CBD Oil For Sweet Dreams


Having a quality night sleep is essential for being healthy. Unfortunately, most people suffer from a sleep disorder, such as insomnia or sleep apnea. The lack of sleep affects their mental health because it makes them nervous and doesn’t allow them to focus. It also affects their physical health since their body doesn’t have enough energy to function properly. 

In order to avoid that, people tried to find a way to treat their sleep disorder. Since doctors usually prescribe medicines for treating anxiety, which make them feel calm but also very sleepy, people started exploring alternative ways. And so, they have come across the CBD oil. 

Being aware of its soothing properties, which are believed to help with sleep disorders and improve sleep quality, people started using CBD oil. While some of them take is as drops under their tongue, others take it as a vape juice because they prefer vaping.

Causes Of Sleep Disorders 

Before we go into explaining how CBD oil can help improve our sleep, we need to understand what causes sleep disorders. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are many things that can lead to insomnia, such as: 

●     Mental conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

●     Chronic pain

●     Caffeine, when consumed at late hours

●     Medications which can disturb the sleep cycle

●     Outside factors, such as an uncomfortable bed or loud noises 

If any of the internal factors are the cause of your bad sleep, CBD oil may be able to help you. This is because it has a positive effect on the health conditions mentioned above. Hence, if you suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, or depression, CBD oil may help in relieving their symptoms and reducing their effect on your sleep.

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Cbd Oil For Insomnia

Cbd Oil For Anxiety 

CBD can help reduce anxiety and regulate your circadian rhythm by affecting the endocannabinoid system. This system receives and translates signals from cannabinoids and produces new ones. It also helps regulate some functions of our body, such as sleep. Moreover, CBD balances the system and protects the major endocannabinoid – anandamide – which prevents us to overreact to stress and helps us return to the baseline faster. It also interacts with the chemicals and receptors of our brain which are responsible for producing a good night sleep. 

Although there aren’t many studies on CBD’s effect on anxiety, there are some research studies which suggest that CBD can treat anxiety. In research published in 2019, 72 subjects were given 25ml of CBD every day. According to the reports, 79.2% of the patients had lower anxiety levels and 66.7% slept better.


Cbd Oil For Chronic Pain

There are different types of chronic pain, such as headaches, migraines, low back pain, and cancer. While the over-the-counter medications usually prescribed don't really help relieve the pain, CBD oil does. It’s because, as mentioned above, it alters the endocannabinoid system in our body. This system, apart from regulating sleep, also regulates the pain. By altering the system, CBD oil stops the body from absorbing anandamide, which is related to pain regulation. As a result, the anandamide levels in the blood increase, which reduces the pain.


Cbd Oil For Sleep Apnea 

Sleep apnea is a very common sleep disorder in which your breathing stops and starts repeatedly. As a result, you can’t stay in REM sleep long enough, hence you can’t fall into a deep sleep. Luckily, CBD oil can help with this problem due to its effect on the endocannabinoid system which allows it to affect the peripheral and central nervous systems. Both of these systems seem to be beneficial to sleep apnea.

 Additionally, it is believed that CBD can keep the airways open by keeping the muscles relaxed. According to a study that was carried out during the clinical trials of Sativex, 40-50% of the patients showed signs of reduced sleep apnea. Although scientists can’t tell anything for sure, they believe that CBD can increase the upper airway muscle tone, thus leading to a firmer glottal region which lessens the effects of sleep apnea. However, more studies are needed in order to confirm the exact ways CBD helps with sleep apnea. 

Having a good night sleep is very important since it affects the way we feel, both mentally and physically. Namely, if we don’t sleep well, we feel weak, without energy, and can’t focus nor think clear. That affects our private and our professional life. 

Since most medications that doctors prescribe don’t really help with sleep disorders, but rather enhance the drowsiness during the day, CBD oil might be the solution. Due to its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, it can help reduce anxiety, stress, and pain which are the most common causes of bad sleep. Nonetheless, more research has to be done in order to discover how CBD helps with sleep disorders.