4 Tooth-Brushing Mistakes We All Make


1. We choose hard bristles 

…when we should all be using soft or extra-soft to prevent gum damage and recession, says Leena Palomo, D.D.S., associate professor of periodontics at Case Western Reserve University. (Hard brushes are for use on dentures, not human teeth.) Save the turbo bristles for cleaning grout!

2. We brush like the dickens 

If you put too much muscle into it, even with a soft brush, you'll take a toll on your gums and eventually wear down tooth enamel, says Alice Boghosian, D.D.S., spokesperson for the American Dental Association. With a manual brush, don't press hard enough to splay the bristles. (Dentists are on to you: "This often happens with patients who have intense personalities," says Kellee N. Kattleman Stanton, D.D.S., owner of George Dental Group in Eagan, MN.) If you're using an electric brush, simply turn it on and move it from tooth to tooth without pushing down.

3. We don't follow the two-minute rule 

That's how long it takes to do a thorough job, whether you go manual or electric, says Eugene Antenucci, D.D.S., clinical associate professor at the New York University College of Dentistry.

4. We ignore the tongue 

"The tongue harbors a lot of bacteria from what you eat and drink," Stanton explains. That bacteria can spread to your chompers, upping the risk of cavities, gingivitis, and noxious breath. Make sure you brush the entire surface of your tongue--the front and back.