Buying An All-Terrain Stroller - Not A Challenge Anymore


You must have been thinking about why I have come up with this topic about strollers. But you can only understand its importance if you are a parent. And, being a parent, I have made a few mistakes in buying a stroller with the thought that each one is the same but it’s not true. The truth is there is a big difference in a simple stroller and specialized ones like a jogging stroller or for that matter an all-terrain stroller.

What to look in an All-terrain Strollers

When you are all set to buy an all-terrain stroller. Now, the most important factor to look before buying a stroller to be worked on. A parent needs the stroller so that they can take it wherever they go making life simple for them. So, they want it to be sturdy, durable, heavy-duty, safe and all easy to push no matter what type of surface you are walking, and it also needs to be easily foldable, and some strollers are even designed specifically for tall parents.

Another factor to look at is the tires of the stroller and all-terrain stroller should have air-filled tires that are capable of handling a bumpy ride which is not possible with hard tires. The next thing of concern is the size of the wheels which is going to make a lot of difference as when it is attached with the larger wheels it handles bumps easily and doesn't get stuck between any cracks on your way which is not happening with smaller tires. Another important factor is the seat of the All-terrain stroller. It should have a reclining seat which is going to allow your little one to ride in comfort and also easier to tip the stroller backward to go over big bumps which also helps in shock absorption.


Budget-friendly best all-terrain strollers

1. Baby Trend Expedition Jogger

This is the best all-terrain stroller for every buyer under a budget. The Expedition Jogger comes with a swivel wheel at the front, which helps it be locked at place plus making it easier to maneuver on any type of terrain. The seat is reclining which can be fixed into a variety of positions and is attached with 5 - point harness for the safety of your baby while moving. The all-terrain bicycle tire helps in having a smooth ride, it also has a wide rubber handle making the stroller comfortable to push anywhere with ease.

The stroller also has a child and parent tray with two cup-holders. While folding the stroller the seat must be in the reclined position. And the trigger release allows it to get folded easily and is very compact for traveling.

2. BOB Revolution Duallie Flex

This is the topper in our list of worlds of double strollers. It offers you a padded handlebar that can be adjusted to nine different positions to accommodate any body’s height. The front-wheel swivel and locking options make it easy to move on all terrains and the locking front wheel provides you with better maneuverability and also makes it more stable. The suspension system of this stroller will give you a feel of art and give a better smooth ride. The Revolution Duallie Flex seat angle can be changed with a hand with just a push of a button. It also has a storage area to store necessary items for your babies. The easy two-step folding system helps in quick packing it up and carrying it with you anywhere.

3. BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller

This all-terrain stroller as from name can also be used as a jogging stroller. It provides stability while moving and also maneuverability making it easy to use. The front wheel is a swivel wheel that can be locked in place, it uses pneumatic tube tires giving a smooth ride and making it suspension free also. The Revolution Flex Jogging stroller is slim, sturdy and safe. It comes with the wrist strap to use while jogging and it can also be used in the car seat using an adapter.  It's two-step folding system makes it easy to fold. This stroller comes with extra pockets, four canopy position and a large storage basket at the bottom for the necessary items of your baby, it can be your best buy.

4. Baby Jogger Summit X3 Single Stroller

This stroller is easy to go out, for any activity whether on hiking or taking a walk on the beach. The reclining seat is padded with venting on the top and has a 5-point harness for the safety of a baby when you are jogging and walking, it is also attached with an adjustable canopy adding extra protection from the sun and also helping you to keep a check on a baby through a peek-a-boo window.

The front wheel has a swivel mode which can be changed to lock mode by only flipping the switch on the handle.

 It has a large basket located beneath the seat to carry the gear and it also has a large pocket on the seatback to store everything needed for your baby. And the easy one-hand folding system makes its packing up quick.

5. Baby Trend Expedition Travel System

This stroller will satisfy your need of having an all-terrain stroller complete with the travel system. This perfect travel stroller comes with the flex lock 5-30 pound infant car seat and includes the lock-in car base. The front swivel wheel can be locked into a stable position which makes it safe while jogging, it can also be in swivel mode making it appropriate to move in different types of terrain. Moreover, the quick release option makes it compact for traveling. The Baby Trend Expedition Travel System comes with a minimal cushioning for babies in the carrier position of the travel system.

 The car seat comes with EPS energy-absorbing foam which protects our baby's head from a side impact, it is very safe to use as it has a 5-point harness system which can be adjusted with one hand. It's also cost-effective for buyers.

6.Thule Urban Glide Jogging Stroller

This is one of the lightest models of all the available strollers, just with 23lbs weight. But it has all the best-offered features. The front-wheel swivels easily and can be locked in place while you are jogging. lt is attached with rear suspension which gives extra comfort when you are traveling with your baby on bumpy terrain.

 The seat of the stroller is well reclined with a top vent and a large adjustable sunshade having a magnetic peek-a-boo window for your baby. The handlebar is spongy and gives you a good grip while pushing it. The Thule Urban Glide Jogging Strollers comes with a large zippered storage compartment under the seat.

The folding system is pretty easy to use and gets folded in no time and is also easy to open up.