Starting A Family: Things To Prepare


One of the greatest privileges in life is having a family of our own and being able to raise our children in a safe and happy home. Making the decision to start a family during your twenties can be a difficult one, and it will change the way you live your life forever. If you are thinking about starting a family this year, here are some things you will need to think about and plan.


What is your plan?

There are many ways to have a baby: you can conceive, adopt, IVF or even go with a surrogate. Depending on the method you decide to have your child to will need to make different plans and save different amounts of money. Health insurance needs can also change dramatically. While preparing for your newest addition's arrival, there are many healthcare factors to take into consideration before choosing or updating your coverage. What will you do when you have your baby? Will you become a stay at home parent or will you go back to work? You need to think about your plans for the future and get everything in place so that when you do have a baby it will be less stressful for you.  

Save some money

Babies cost a lot of money. They are probably the most expensive investment you will ever make in your life, and you need to be prepared for just how much a baby will cost you. If you know that you are in a financially stable position where you can save for the future, get your money into a high-interest savings account as soon as you can. The earlier you start to save, the more money you will have once your baby comes along. Remember that you will need to buy a cot, bedding, clothes, food, equipment, nappies, and toys when your child comes along, so the more you can save up now, the better. Try budgeting your food shop for a few months and see if you can raise some extra funds by being savvier with your spending. It will make a massive difference to your stress levels when your child comes into the world. On the subject of coping with stress levels, do not forget each other’s emotional needs as well. It is often a good idea to seek couples’ counselling from experienced counselors like those recommended by , to help you learn how to cope better with the pressures of new parenthood.


Pay off debts

The worst thing you can do when preparing to start your family is to ignore your debts. As we said, raising a child is expensive so you need to make sure that you are in a financially stable position from day 1. If you have multiple debts, make sure to start with the highest interest debt first and work your way down until you are debt free and ready to start a new chapter in your life.


Maternity and Paternity

It is important that you take the time to find out what the maternity or paternity packages are like at your workplace. Ideally, you will want a package that allows you to spend some quality time with your new baby as a family before you have to go back to work. If the package isn’t that great you may want to start thinking about your options and what you can possibly do to make it better.

Shop smart

When you become pregnant and you start to plan for life once your baby arrives, it can be all too easy get carried away at the store and buy every single item in the baby aisle. However, panic buying is the worst thing you can do before having a child because you’ll inevitably ky end up with items that you never use. Before you go on a huge shopping spree and buy everything in sight, ask if your friends or family members have anything that you could use. Look on second-hand sites for things like a prom or a buggy, and see if you can get things for free. It is worth saving as much as you can at this time in your life.


Cut your living costs

Other than cutting down on your food bill every week, another thing you can do which will benefit you massively is to cut down on your energy bills. How much are you currently paying for your electricity, gas, and water? If you think that you could be saving money here, take a look at comparison sites online to find a better deal for you and your family. This is something we rarely think about but it can make a huge difference.


Enjoy the time

While you are pregnant or preparing for your baby to be brought into your life, you can simply enjoy the time you have and start making preparations. You can spend the weekend decorating their new bedroom, babyproof your home and look forward to this next exciting chapter in your life.