How To Prepare For Your Breast Augmentation Consultation


A breast augmentation surgery alters the size and sometimes the shape of the breasts through surgical techniques such as implants or a tissue transfer.

Prior to the actual surgery, the patient will meet with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon for a series of consultations. Each individual’s body is unique, and different patients may have significantly different aesthetic goals. The consultation functions as an essential, collaborative meeting where the plastic surgeon can learn more about the patient and their desired results.

At the same time, patients should plan to use the consultation as a time to ask the doctor questions. Consultations allow the patient and plastic surgeon to decide on the best path forward together, according to the patient’s anatomy, medical history, and goals.

Doing your own research and what information to come prepared with

Patients should come to the consultation with their plastic surgeon prepared with any questions they may have. They should also be prepared to answer specific questions about their medical history. It may be helpful to have questions and information written down.

Although a consultation with the plastic surgeon is the best way to understand the procedure and what it means for the patient, it can be helpful to do some research ahead of time. This allows the patient to begin thinking about their goals and intended outcomes. 

The following are a few important things to consider before your consultation.

Breast size and shape

A breast augmentation changes the size or shape of the breasts. Patients seeking to increase breast size may find it helpful to think about what their ideal aesthetic is prior to the consultation.

Patients looking to alter breast shape will also wish to consider what about their breast shape they would like to alter. This consideration is especially important for patients who have a congenital abnormality that impacts the shape of their breasts.

It may help to bring photos of ideal results. If a patient brings photos, it also helps to be prepared to talk about what in the photo makes this aesthetic ideal, as two different people may look at the same photo and see two different things.

Implant type

In consultation with their plastic surgeon, patients will also need to choose which type of implant they would like. There are two types of implants a patient can choose from: silicone or saline.

Silicone implants are the more popular option because they tend to look and feel more like natural breast tissue. However, they do require a slightly larger incision. Silicone implants are used in the majority of uncomplicated primary breast augmentation surgeries.

Saline implants use a somewhat smaller incision and make leaks easier to detect, but many people find that they look and feel less natural. 

Fat transfer

A breast augmentation can also be accomplished using a fat transfer. This adds to breast volume by using the patient’s own tissue. However, it is worth noting that a fat transfer augmentation will be unsuitable for most patients.

Be prepared for advice from the plastic surgeon

The purpose of the consultation is for a patient and their plastic surgeon to make decisions together. Although patients certainly benefit from doing research and thinking through their preferences ahead of time, they should be prepared for the plastic surgeon to offer medical insights that may give patients a different perspective on their goals for surgery.

Questions and evaluations to expect from your plastic surgeon

In the consultation, the plastic surgeon will ask questions about the patient’s medical history and aesthetic goals. Each person’s anatomy is unique, which means that two different patients may have two different paths to achieving the same goal.

Health considerations

Breast size may change with significant fluctuations in weight, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and other life changes. Therefore, patients should come prepared to discuss all these situations with their plastic surgeon, as well as whether or not they would like to breastfeed in the future.

A breast augmentation is a surgical procedure. Therefore, the plastic surgeon will encourage the patient to maintain good health and to abstain from smoking before surgery and during the recovery process.

Previous breast augmentations

Patients may also seek out a breast augmentation because they have had a previous augmentation that did not produce the desired result or because they need older implants replaced.

For these patients, it is best to come prepared to discuss any previous breast augmentations or surgeries with the plastic surgeon. The more information that a patient can provide their plastic surgeon, the better they will be able to help the patient achieve their goals. It is recommended to bring implant information or an operative note from any previous surgery. This is easily obtained by contacting your previous surgeon’s office with an official request of records.

Combining a breast augmentation with other procedures

It is quite common to combine a breast augmentation with other procedures, such as a breast lift or liposuction.

Patients interested in combining procedures should come to the consultation prepared to discuss these additional goals. You may wish to research additional procedures ahead of time and be ready to ask and answer questions.

What to wear

For the consultation, wear what feels comfortable. It is normal for patients to need to remove and put back on clothing, so clothes that are easy to slip in and out of may be best. 

That said, patients should also remember that the consultation is not the same as the actual procedure. Therefore, they do not need to dress as they would for the surgery. Everyday clothes function just fine.


Dr. Daniel Maman is a nationally-recognized expert in cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery & body contouring. Areas of focus include breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, breast implant revision & breast reconstruction. Dr. Maman specializes in “Mommy Makeover”, involving simultaneous breast and body contouring procedures. His goal in establishing Maman Plastic Surgery was simple: to redefine the standard of quality care and outcomes in plastic surgery, offering the most contemporary surgical techniques and clinically proven procedures in a more modern, personalized environment.