5 Important Developmental Activities For Toddlers


During your child's toddler stage, engaging them in a variety of activities is important for healthy development.

According to the CDC, between one and two years of age, your toddler will be taking their first steps, learning how to speak, and broadening their playtime interests. These are crucial formative years that can set your little one up for success in the future.

There are a variety of fun developmental activities that can keep your toddler engaged and entertained. From sand play to arts and crafts, there is no shortage of activities that can help improve toddler development.

Stay with us to learn about four developmental activities to incorporate fun and learning into playtime. 

1. An Arts and Crafts Project

Arts and crafts are a great way to engage your child in a hands-on activity. This is especially important in the current tech-obsessed world.

As far as activities for toddlers go, the options for arts and crafts are endless. You can items from around the household and create something new from a recycled item.

You can make art with dry pasta, try finger painting, or make craft puppets.

Craft activities help with toddler development because they improve motor skills and encourage their self-esteem. 

2. Water and Sand Play

When it comes to games for toddlers, nothing works better than what is already found in nature. Your toddler likely has a natural curiosity about the world and engaging them in activities in nature is a wonderful way to foster that.

Water play can start setting the foundation for science and math basics. Learning about volume and weight. There is also the use of hand-eye coordination during water play.

Sand play is also a great opportunity for physical development. With the motions of digging and scooping, your child starts to understand how things work in addition to building muscles.

3. A Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is almost always a hit for children of any age. This is also a simple activity that involves only a bit of preparation, and you can use just about any supplies.

You can hide items around the house and create a list of clues to help your child find them. This is one of those games for toddlers that can include a plethora of learning. You can tell them to find something of a certain color, shape, or texture.

Teaching your toddler through a scavenger hunt is fun and interactive!

4. Role Playing

One of the funniest things for children is getting dressed up and acting. The ideas with roleplay are endless. You can pretend to be scientists and make an experience by mixing water and a variety of food coloring options.

This is a wonderful way to get a little messy and let children explore different roles.

If you want to start your child off on the right developmental path, learn about the benefits of nursery school here

Developmental Activities For Your Toddler

Engaging your toddler in a variety of developmental activities is a great way to give them a head start in many different important areas. Their motor skills, physical skills, and communication skills can all be improved with the right activities. Try role-playing, sand and water play, arts and crafts, and a scavenger hunt.

Keep coming back to our awesome blog for more ideas on childhood development.