3 Types Of Supplements For Babies


50% of children have immune deficiencies and it's not uncommon for this to continue as they get older if they don't take the right supplements. However, even if you've identified that your child is missing something the important thing to remember is you can act.

There are supplements for babies you can begin introducing into their diet to ensure your baby is getting exactly what they need when they need it. Not sure of which dietary supplements you should be looking for?

We understand being a parent can be challenging, but it's one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. Read on now and check out our list of vitamins and supplements your baby needs.

1. Hipp Baby Formula

If your baby hasn't moved away from solely consuming formula yet it means you need to look for a formula that has the vitamins and nutrients your baby needs in the proper dosages. When you shop for hipp baby formula you can rest assured it has everything your baby needs.

They have a formula for each stage of your baby's growth to give them what they need to continue developing important brain cells. If you choose to purchase the formula one thing you shouldn't do is use boiling water to mix with it.

This can result in the milk becoming too hot and can burn your baby. One benefit of purchasing this formula is it's free of:

●     Gluten 

●     Sugars

●     Lactic acid bacteria cultures

If you haven't found a formula your baby has liked, we think you'll be pleasantly surprised after taking this one for a test drive.

2. Multivitamin

As your child grows their health needs evolve as well. Children's health is important because they're in a phase where they're constantly growing, which means they need a vitamin to support this.

If you have a toddler, you'll want to select a multivitamin that has everything in it from vitamin C to iron. Multivitamins come in many forms just in case your child is a bit picky about what they put into their mouths.

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for babies because it helps support the development of their bones. Vitamin D supplements come in a tablet form as well as liquid.

The best way for your child to get the vitamin D they need is to spend time playing outside daily soaking up some sun, but we understand this isn't always possible.

Therefore, to get their daily dose of vitamin D a supplement might be the best way to go.

Supplements for Babies 101: Raising Healthy Little Ones

While there are tons of supplements for babies out there it doesn't mean your child should be taking them all. Most babies will continue to consume formula or breastmilk before they transition to solids.

If this sounds like your little one, finding a formula with nutrients and vitamins in it is the way to go. Before you head off to feed your baby check out our other articles now.