How To Be A Good Role Model For Your Kids


Being a parent is an exciting journey, allowing you to make many unforgettable memories with your kids and teach them valuable life lessons. Children look up to their parents and love to imitate them; as a parent, you significantly influence your kids’ lives. As nothing you do goes unnoticed by them, leading by example is essential. Research reveals that children whose parents live their best life and exhibit good character are likely to do the same. If you have been looking for ways to guide your kids’ development and be a good role model, here is how. 

1. Invest in self-care 

Become a good role model to your children by involving them in healthy habits that depict self-care. Your child will learn from your example when you take time off to relax and enjoy yourself. Show them how to care for their bodies by maintaining good physical health with exercises or outdoor games. After a busy school or work week, take them out for fun activities. Such activities will teach them how to take time off to rest as they grow older and life gets busier. You can also make healthy lifestyle choices and teach them to stay healthy regarding their diet. 

2. Cherish your emotional health 

Being emotionally drained might not be a good image for your child. When you are stressed, it can affect your energy and relationship with your child. Take care of your emotional health by being open and honest about your feelings. Learn to honor your emotions by paying attention and healthily dealing with them. You can teach your children emotional intelligence by empathizing with them and other family members. Please don't be ashamed of difficult emotions when they come up or think they make you weak. Rather, accept and face them head-on so that you can heal. Doing this will teach your child to embrace their emotions too. 

3. Volunteer 

Take the initiative to create a volunteering day for your family every holiday or weekend, depending on your family's schedule. You can cook together for hospitals or homeless shelters. You can also donate clothes, books, or toys to those who need them or volunteer at your kids’ school so they can observe your interest in being part of a large community. Engaging in such activities with your children will help you instill your values in them. It will also teach your child to get out of their comfort zones when they see you doing the same and build their interaction with others. 

4. Express gratitude

There is a lot to feel negatively about, but you can be a good role model by maintaining a positive attitude and being intentional about gratitude. Teach your children to be grateful for the things they have by sharing with them what you are thankful for. Doing this does not mean you must pretend everything is okay when they are not. It shows your kids that even in tough situations, there’s always something to be thankful for. You will need to consciously embody positivity so it can genuinely shine through your behavior or attitude. Face a new day with courage and optimism, and your children will also learn to face each day positively. You can even get them colorful gratitude journals and help them build the habit of writing down what they’re grateful for, so they can easily refer to it whenever needed.

5. Be open about your mistakes

Being a good example means practicing what you preach. Teach your children good habits and routines by practicing them consistently. A good way to influence your children, especially teenagers, is by being open about the mistakes you made at their age. Share the lessons and guide them so they don't repeat the same mistakes. Strive to create a better image and show them that you have left the past behind. If you got into trouble with the law in the past, you could remove arrest record from internet to give you a fresh start. Build a new present and become the person your children look up to. 

6. Constantly improve yourself 

Improve yourself in all aspects by learning something new every day. Why not go back to school or start the business you have always wanted? Pursue your dreams and show your children that it is okay to go for what they want. Try new experiences together and broaden your knowledge with fun activities. Consider taking trips yearly to experience new things and grow as a unit. Take time to discover and understand yourself. The journey to self-awareness is long and hard sometimes, but once you begin, you will give your children the courage to begin their journey too. 

7. Choose your circle carefully 

The kind of relationships you cultivate and how you maintain them will be a blueprint for your children's relationships. Whether with friends, family, or a spouse, ensure that you model the relationships you desire for your children. Exhibit values like loyalty, dependability, and integrity in your relationships. Respect and appreciate your loved ones and strangers to teach your children kindness towards others. Don't hesitate to end friendships that influence you badly. It will teach your children the importance of letting go of bad relationships. 

The perfect parent might not exist, but a parent who tries to be a good role model for their children is worth emulating. And with the tips above, you can set a good example for your kids.