Posts tagged child
4 Ways To Encourage Your Childs Development

Children are continually learning and developing, and they will all do it at their own pace. They start off learning through their five senses, and then as they get older, they can build on these things that they have already learned to develop more complex motor skills, cognitive skills, and social skills, amongst other things. There are many fun activities that you can do with your child to encourage their development, and help to finesse their motor and sensory skills:

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How To Tell If Your Toddler Is Not Adjusting To A New School

Introducing your child to a new school can be an exciting part of parenthood. But for your little one, it can sometimes be difficult. In some cases, this adjustment takes a toll on their emotional well-being. From nursery registration to meeting their teachers to trying to make friends, preschool can be quite stressful for a little one. To help you out, this article tackles important facts about how children adjust to a new school, including the tell-tale signs that they are having a hard time doing so.

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