How To Make A Child's Room Work For Twins


Raising kids is one of life’s greatest achievements, as well as one of life’s greatest challenges. Nothing will provide you with as much joy while simultaneously providing a fair dose of stress too! But ask any parent and they’ll tell you they wouldn’t change anything for the world.

But if you’re blessed with twins? That’s double trouble! In this useful article, we’re going to explore how to make a kid’s room work for twins to share the space.

Invest In Furniture

The first step is to order cots online and set them up so you have an accurate picture of where the remaining furniture can go. The second step is to ensure that the room has appropriate children’s furniture for the pair of twins. You can go about this in two ways. The first way is to get a separate chest of drawers or wardrobe for each child, which will give them their furniture to put away clothes and other items. Now, not everyone is going to have the space available for this. In that case, you may want to opt for a larger set of drawers or wardrobe and allocate them each some space.

Bunk Beds

Another tip is to get a set of bunk beds once the twins are old enough. This is a great way to save valuable space in your twins’ rooms. Now, there will be a predictable argument about who gets the top bunk - and that’s where you step in as the parent. A good solution to this is to have the kids swap bunks every six months, to keep things equal.

Let Them Decorate

Kids are like adults in that they want to decorate their space and make it their own. Now, while they may not share your mature tastes in home design and decoration (think dinosaurs, rockets, barbies, stickers and the like) they should still be allowed to have input into how their room looks. In the case of twins, a good idea is to allocate each child one wall which they can decorate as they wish. As well as giving them some creative freedom, it will also allow them to learn valuable skills like how to share and how to compromise.

Make The Room A Relaxed Space

This is a good rule of thumb for all bedrooms. They should be a place for rest, relaxation and sleep. No exceptions for your twins’ rooms either. Encourage your twins to play, run around, watch TV or movies all in the other areas of your home like your living space or your rumpus room. This way they’ll settle easier at night and get a good night’s sleep. Speaking of sleep...

Have A Solid Sleep Routine

Unless you want your twins up all night, bouncing off each other with youthful energy, implement a solid bedtime routine. A useful order of activities is a bath or shower after dinner, some quiet reading time, brushing teeth and then off to bed with a goodnight story or song. Try to limit screen time after 6 pm and discourage raucous play. Get this routine down pat and your children should settle down, ready for sleep one the light’s are out.

Summing Up

With a few tips and tricks, you can make a child’s room work for twins. Invest in some kid’s furniture - separate pieces if you have space or a large piece to share if not. A bunk bed is a good idea once they get older, and you can alternate top bunk spot to avoid conflict. Let your kids decorate their side of the room to give them some autonomy and creative freedom. Make the room a relaxed space reserved for sleep and quiet time, and implement a solid sleep routine to back this up.