Home Upgrade: 8 Signs You Need To Move To A Larger House


Many are in search of finding that ideal home - one that offers adequate space for families, more rooms to accommodate visiting relatives and a fantastic location. No matter how much people love their current residential property, they may realize one day that the home they purchased is no longer the right fit for them.

Moving to a bigger home, however, isn't an easy decision. You have to think about several factors, such as finances, family and your future. Before you do house hunting and look for trusted mortgage companies, take a moment to reflect on your current situation.

The following signs indicate that buying a bigger home may be a good move for you:

1. Your Income has Gone Up

Even if your current home isn't cramped, you have more than enough money to relocate into a bigger and better place. If your income has risen or has accumulated enough equity in your current residential property, you could look at it as a sign to move.

Just make sure you fully understand the costs of moving to a larger home and living a bigger lifestyle. Go ahead and create that dream house hunting checklist if the numbers make sense.

2. You Need a Bigger Home Office

Working from home is becoming more common. As a matter of fact, a report from Small Business Trends reveals that 67 percent of companies expect this working arrangement to be permanent.

Getting work done from home is difficult or even impossible if you don't have a dedicated home office. Remote employees require a quiet space where they can shut the door and work in peace for long periods. Most small houses, however, don't have additional rooms apart from the standard bedrooms.

On the other hand, larger homes may have a spare room or two that you can convert to a home office. If you have the financial means to relocate to a bigger house, go for it. A dedicated home office may just be what you need to improve your productivity and efficiency at work.

3. Your Current Home is Draining Resources and Time

If your small and aging starter home is becoming too expensive to maintain, you may need to get out and move to a bigger and better house. Rather than invest your hard-earned money into a home that requires frequent repairs and upkeep, put that cash in a residential property that requires less maintenance.

4. You Desire a Bigger Lawn, Yard or Garden

Some homeowners have an itching green thumb. They crave a larger space where they can grow herbs, flowers, trees, veggies and other plants. When your lovely patio garden isn't enough, you should consider looking for a house with a bigger yard. By seeking out a larger home, you can become the gardener you've always wanted and grow plants that will beautify your home.

5. You Need a Larger Garage

A roomy garage may be more of an urgent need if you've begun to collect motorcycles or stock up on lots of home improvement tools. A bigger home with a nice garage is also a good idea if you don't want to park your vehicles in front of your house.

6. The Housing Market is Looking Favorable for Buyers

Mortgage rates in the United States are dropping to historic lows. The rate for 30-year loans in September 2020 dropped to 2.86 percent. If the mortgage numbers and home prices are looking favorable for you, you may consider taking the plunge and buying the big home of your dreams.

When you've decided to buy, you need to act fast. Interest rates will eventually bounce back, which can translate to a more expensive home purchase.

7. You Have a Lot of Furniture

Usually, people would donate or sell their furniture if their house feels overloaded or cramped. Not everyone, though, can bear to let go of the large collection they've accumulated over the past few years.

If you're an avid furniture collector or simply have too many pieces that you don't want to throw out, consider packing up and relocating to a more spacious residential property. A large house will allow you to proudly showcase your furniture to visitors.

8. You Entertain Guests Frequently

Some houses are too small to accommodate guests for dinners, parties and other types of get-togethers. If you find yourself organizing social events more frequently in the future, you'll want to invest in a bigger home. This way, your guests can mingle without accidentally stepping on each other's toes.

If you relate to one of these eight mentioned signs, you may want to seriously consider the advantages of a larger home. Knowing when to buy and move to a bigger house isn't always easy. Before you do anything, check with your family and figure out if getting a larger home can give everyone a rewarding and enjoyable lifestyle.