Impress Your Special Attendees With These VIP 7 Event Ideas


Regardless of the industry you belong in, you'll have certain high-value clients who deserve a big celebration. If you want to make these people feel special, you'll want to organize a major VIP event.

This type of event gives you the chance to connect and foster long-term relationships with key stakeholders, customers and business prospects. VIP gatherings, by nature, are invite-only events. This makes sure that only the right individuals are attending this special and personalized celebration.

Not sure how to deliver a stellar event experience for your attendees?

Take note of seven VIP event ideas:

1. Arrange Private Transportation for Each VIP Attendee

The VIP experience doesn't start at the event venue. You can extend the experience by offering VIP shuttles from a specified destination to the event location. Alternatively, you could partner with ridesharing firms, such as Lyft and Uber, to provide coupons for your distinguished attendees.

2. Roll out the Red Carpet

You'll have VIPs walking through your chosen event venue. Take this opportunity to rent a red carpet and place that on the entrance. Then, add some Hollywood searchlights to further elevate the arrival experience of your distinguished guests. After all, your VIPs are the star of the show.

3. Add a VIP Lounge

After your guests walk through the fabulous red carpet you've prepared for them, you should direct them to a special and one-of-a-kind lounge. This venue area can be anything from a game room to a relaxation area that allows guests to charge their phones, get a massage or order an expensive Starbucks drink. Having this special lounge will allow your VIPs to meet other guests and take a break from the regular event proceedings.

4. Organize an Awards Ceremony

Think of the Golden Globes and the Oscars. This kind of ceremony is an excellent way to reward and recognize the VIPs of your organization, whether they're highly popular social media influencers or top donors. What's more, it gives your organization the chance to honor VIPs who are mostly working hard behind the scenes and don't get to be in the spotlight.

5. Invite Industry Celebrities

Sometimes, all you need to give your event the buzz and flair it deserves is a single and well-known name. If your business has the budget, consider inviting a celebrity to your upcoming VIP event. This prominent figure maybe someone who's famous within their niche. The celebrity could also be someone who would excite your valued attendees and encourage them to take out their mobile cameras. Whatever route you go with, you want your VIPs to enjoy the privilege of meeting a star or a well-known industry figure.

6. Host a Multi-Day Event

Certain life events, such as unforeseen accidents and bad weather, could prevent some VIPs from arriving at your special event. If your organization has the resources and time, create a multi-day event for your distinguished guests. This will allow your highly valued participants to attend at least one of your provided dates.

7. Arrange a VIP Formal Dinner or Food Tasting

If your grand celebration will last the entire day, you'll need to feed your valued event participants. After the show, host a formal dinner with selected VIPs in attendance. You can take this event up a notch by inviting a famous chef or a celebrity presence at the dinner table. If you want to take the tasting into your own hands and forgo a professional and buy from a wholesaler, then make sure you read up and can give information on the food, where it originates from - and why what you’re serving is special. Often, you can find the information on the website of the wholesaler, which can give true foodies an insight into everything from tai pei frozen food to the type of seasonings that make the food authentic and flavor-packed.

Another option is to treat your distinguished guests to a special tasting session with food or wine experts. If you're trying to win over foodie VIPs, then this is the way to go.

Your VIPs should get only the best from your organization. By applying these ideas to your next major event, you can leave a positive and lasting impression on clients, stakeholders and other highly valued people that support your company.