How To Prep For A Mommy Makeover

mommy and baby fit

Being a mom often can make you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. With that said, remember that after you take care of your family responsibilities, you deserve to do something for yourself. One of the most satisfying things you can do is to address changes in your body that have happened over time. A Mommy Makeover can help you get your pre-baby figure back by combining breast enhancing and body contouring procedures. However, like every busy mom knows, preparation is essential, and this situation is no different. Following are some ways you can prepare for a Mommy Makeover:

1.       Make sure you’re in good health—physically and mentally. A Mommy Makeover is an extensive procedure. You must be healthy and fit for surgery. Before scheduling the procedure with your plastic surgeon, you will need to be cleared by your primary care physician. Additionally, it’s important to have a positive outlook, realistic expectations for your outcome, and solid support system.

2.       Maintain a stable weight. Your weight can fluctuate dramatically through pregnancy and the postpartum period. These significant weight changes can compromise your mommy makeover results, so you need to be at a stable weight before your procedure. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Bogdan recommends that his Mommy Makeover patients in Fort Worth are close to their ideal weight in the weeks leading up to the surgery.

3.       Give yourself time to recover from childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth can be taxing on your body, so you must recovery from the trauma before scheduling your Mommy Makeover. Typically, giving your body 6 months to get back into the swing of things is sufficient; however, this timeline might be extended if you choose to breastfeed your baby.

4.       Be certain you are done having children. Many women are eager to schedule their mommy makeovers after giving birth to their first child. However, it is a good idea to wait until you are finished having children to get the procedure. Though it is safe and possible to give birth post-Mommy Makeover, pregnancy can compromise your results. Waiting to get your surgery will allow you to enjoy your results for years to come.

5.       Arrange for help around the house. You will have limited mobility initially, so you’ll need a relative or close friend to help you during the first few days after surgery. If you have young children, you will not be able to pick them up or chauffer them around to school or extracurriculars. Make sure to plan carpools for them! Do not try and do this alone—you need to take this time to rest and heal. Overexerting yourself too soon increases risk of complications that could compromise your results.

6.       Create a relaxing recovery zone. A recliner or adjustable bed will be the most comfortable. You will want to keep your chest elevated to reduce breast swelling. Additionally, lying flat can put stress on your healing tummy tuck incision. Keep everything you need close by: remote, phone, water, medications, books, etc. Before your surgery date, tidy up around the house. Nobody wants to come home to a cluttered, disorganized living space—especially after a Mommy Makeover.

7.       Fill your prescriptions early. Go to the pharmacy to pick up your medications before the day of your surgery. You don’t need anything else to stress about on your surgery date. This way, you’ll be able to go home straight from surgery and rest.

8.       Stock up on supplies. Make sure to have the proper compression garments and support bras ready to go when you head home from surgery. Your surgeon will provide you with a detailed list of other supplies including mild stool softeners, antacids, certain vitamins, medication organizer, gauze, antibiotic ointments, antibacterial soap, heating pad, extra pillows, and loose-fitting clothing.

9.       Fill the pantry with healthy snacks and beverages. Go to the grocery store and pickup low-sodium crackers, Jell-O, fresh produce, and granola bars. These will be easily digestible snacks if the pain medication upsets your stomach. While you’re there, grab a couple bags of frozen peas and some bottled water, as well.

10.   Meal prep. If you are the primary cook in your household, prep a few simple meals for the week so you’ll be able to easily pop them into the microwave. Even if you just plan a few meals beforehand, it will give you more time to rest after your procedure.

If you are interested in a Mommy Makeover, contact your local board-certified plastic surgeon to learn more about your options.