Effects Of The Pandemic On Relationships


The pandemic has had negative effects on multiple different aspects of society, with some of the most obvious ones springing to mind being the economy, education and society in general. Relationships are something that have been massively affected – most people have either not been able to see their significant other, whereas others have been stuck in a claustrophobic environment with them, fueling emotions and arguments. For single people, the dating scene has been equally complex.

Here are a couple of different effects of the pandemic on relationships, most of which are not too positive, but this reflects the difficulty that individuals have been experiencing.

Increase in Domestic Abuse

Many people have been stuck in very close proximity to their partner, which is terrible for those who are in relationships which are unstable or unhealthy. As a result of having to stay inside, the pandemic caused a boost in domestic abuse, which has been intensified by the lack of easy access to some of the services that could be usually used in these situations. Furthermore, the lack of access to family and friends, which constitute a lot of people’s support systems, has meant that coping mechanisms are not always healthy.

A Rise in the Use of Dating Apps

For those who are seeking relationships, the pandemic has been difficult in different ways. Not meeting people has really halted new relationships forming, so as a result, more and more people have turned to dating apps. Dating apps are great for some people, especially those who may be shy (even outside of a pandemic!). They often act as a great ego boost and a good opportunity to speak to and potentially meet people you wouldn’t otherwise have done. This is also one of many ways that technology has acted as our savior during this pandemic and has given us access to things that wouldn’t have been possible had we not had mobile phones.

More Breakups Occurring

Again, as a result of living in close proximity to someone, or not being able to see them at all, a lot more breakups have happened as a result of the pandemic. Being in lockdown truly acts as a test to relationships – either, you have to withstand the distance and lack of physical comfort and intimacy, or you have to deal with someone all of the time. For a lot of people, especially those who aren’t used to having distance or intensity, this has acted as a deal breaker for the relationship. While this is upsetting, we could view this as a positive and a lesson to learn for the future.

The pandemic is hard for everyone, so it is important that you check up on all of your friends and family members in order to figure out what is going on behind closed doors and whether they are coping well with the lockdown. Having any relationship struggle is both personal and very difficult and having someone else to turn to can be one of the best ways to deal with this.