Best Essential Oils For Naturally Cleaning Your Home


As the saying goes, cleanliness is close to godliness. Having an unclean home impacts us more than we realize. Oftentimes, the appearance of our homes is an indication of our mental and emotional state. Many of us use cleaning to cope with stressors and gain mental clarity. 

Depending on which cleaner you use, you can be doing more harm than good. Although your home appears clean, commercial product residue can be toxic. Cleaning products contain chemicals that can negatively impact air quality and irritate skin. When possible, natural cleaning solutions should be used. 

Natural cleaning alternatives are growing in popularity. For instance, people understand that using essential oils for cleaning their home is safer than commercial products with better results. 

Another benefit of essential oil as a cleanser is they leave a natural fragrance that can improve mood, depending on which oil you use. Cleaning with essential oils is also safe for households with children and pets. 

Best Essential Oils for Cleaning

1 .Citrus Oils

Whether you’re cleaning dishes or bathrooms, many of our products are lemon scented. Lemon oil is great for cleaning based on its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Lemon essential oil has a reputation for eliminating dirt on contact and leaves a toxin and chemical-free scent. 

All-purpose natural cleaning recipes containing lemon essential oils are great for various surfaces, including floors, countertops, and stove tops. Some recipes can even clean and polish leather. 

Orange oil has similar properties. Because of its high vitamin C content, orange peels are typically infused into other natural cleaners. Orange-infused cleansers are great for wearing down dirt and grime to make cleanup a breeze. 

2. Lavender oil

The beauty of lavender essential oil transcends its cleaning capabilities. In fact, lavender oil is believed to be a natural sleep aid, mood calmer, and anti-odor solution. Lavender oil is great for linen and air freshening. You can also use lavender recipes to deep-clean your mattress, allowing for a better sleep. This essential oil is great for killing viruses and bacteria but still mild enough for child contact. 

3. Peppermint oil

There’s something about the smell of peppermint that correlates with cleanliness. Peppermint has antibacterial and antifungal properties that are great for cleaning buildup from multiple surfaces around your home, including glass. In addition to being a natural cleaning agent, peppermint essential oil is a rodent deterrent. If you live in an area with mice or rats, spraying peppermint oil will chase them away. 

4. Cinnamon oil

Cinnamon is known for its warm, inviting fragrance. Many are unaware that cinnamon essential oil is a phenomenal natural cleanser. This oil kills serious bacteria and viruses due to its antibacterial and fungal properties. Cinnamon gets rid of mold, mildew, and even scares away insects. You can also spray your car’s interior to keep it clean and smelling fresh. 

4. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has earned quite the reputation. Many people use it topically for skin and hair care, however, tea tree essential oil is key for a spotless home. Also referred to as melaleuca oil, tree tree is actually one of the strongest essential oils on the market. With antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, tea tree essential oil rids viral germs within hours of exposure. You can use this oil on every surface.

5. Pine oil

We’ve all smelled pine-scented cleaning products. Pine essential oil is great for eliminating e.coli, mold, mildew, and a number of other bacteria. This oil leaves your entire house clean with a nice fragrance. Pine essential oil is versatile enough to clean walls, floors, and bathroom surfaces. 

Natural Cleaning Recipes

Even if you’re not great at creating cleaners, these recipes are easy and effective enough to keep your home clean. It’s recommended to use glass bottles when possible since plastic bottles can interfere with the quality of your cleaner. 

All- Purpose Citrus Cleaner

For this recipe, you’ll need vinegar, dish soap, water, and lemon and tea tree essential oils. Vinegar is a great natural cleaning agent used based on its acidic properties, which helps rid tough household buildup. Vinegar also helps with certain laundry stains. 

In your container, mix two cups of both water and vinegar, a teaspoon of dish soap, and twenty drops of lemon and tea tree essential oil. Mix ingredients by shaking in the container before applying. Use additional drops of essential oil for a higher concentrated cleaner. 

Soft Scrub Cleanser

Scrub cleansers are great for removing grime, grease, and stubborn stains that won’t easily wipe away. This recipe includes baking soda, Castile soap, and lemon, lime, and orange essential oils. Baking soda acts as a mild abrasive and Castile soap works as a mild cleanser that cleans without harmful toxins. 

Mix 1 cup of baking soda with ¼ cup of Castile soap to form a paste. You can add more soap if necessary for a thinner consistency. Add 10 drops of lemon, lime, and orange essential oils into your mixture. Apply the mixture to your surface and scrub with a rag or sponge. This recipe works great for tubs, stove tops, and ovens. 

Carpet Refresher

If your carpet has a lingering odor after vacuuming, carpet refresher is an easy fix. To make this natural carpet cleaner, mix one cup of baking soda and the essential oil of your choice. After mixing them, sprinkle this combination onto your carpet. Let this mixture sit overnight and vacuum for optimum results. 

Lavender Air Freshener and Linen Spray

Air freshener is the icing on the proverbial clean house cake. Lavender is recommended for improving mood and calming stress. Lavender is also believed to help with insomnia. Add water, witch hazel, and lavender and chamomile essential oil into a spray bottle. Spray onto your mattress, sheets, and into the air and relax. 

Natural cleaners are beneficial for your health without compromising the quality of your cleaning routine. There are many reputable essential oil companies that sell individual oils and sets to fulfil your specific needs. 

When purchasing essential oils, make sure you buy pure, undiluted oils to ensure quality. These are free from potentially harmful additives and carriers that can irritate skin and you’ll have to use more product for an effective clean. Essential oil natural cleaners are also baby and pet-safe, as long as they are properly diluted prior to use. 

Avoid contact with eyes and do not ingest these oils. Swallowing can lead to stomach irritation, tooth enamel damage, and even allergic reaction. If swallowed, contact your healthcare provider immediately. 

Author Bio

Kimmy Schmit

Kimmy is a natural health fanatic who loves all things alternative healing, fitness and health. She spends her time at Mystiq Moon writing about essential oils, aromatherapy, and even crystal healing. When she’s not working she’s drinking red wine with her pet cat Rufus.