5 Incredible Benefits of Owning a Sugar Glider


If you are an animal lover, then chances are you've either seen or know someone who owns a sugar glider. These tiny marsupials come from the same family as Koala Bears and Kangaroos, and they certainly make for an adorable pet.

But, any good pet owner knows that cuteness isn't all that's required for an animal to make a good companion.

Are you thinking about bringing a sugar glider home as a pet but aren't sure if it's the right thing to do? Read on to learn about the benefits of owning a sugar glider. 

1. They Have a Long Life

If your sugar glider is properly cared for, it can live up to 15 years. This is uncommon for animals of its size, given that most pocket critters fall into the rodent family.

With a life span more similar to a dog or a cat, these pets can truly become a member of your family. It's important to keep this in mind before adopting a sugar glider, since you'll want to be sure you are committed as an owner. 

2. They Are Clean

Another huge benefit of owning a sugar glider is how easy they are to care for. These little guys actually clean themselves and enjoy having a clean environment.

With the proper sugar glider cage setup, you will likely only have to clean the cage once a week. Much like the litter box for a cat, they only require minimal routine cleanup. 

3. They Love to Bond With You

Sugar gliders are also extremely loving creatures. They love to play and spend time with their owners.

They tend to want a lot of attention, especially after they have bonded fully, which is why having a bonding pocket to carry them around in is a great choice. They simply want to snuggle with you as you go about your day. 

4. They Want to Play

These animals have a lot of energy and require stimulation. To some people, this makes them seem like a high maintenance pet. But the reality is, with the proper toys and enough human snuggle time, sugar gliders are happy.

You should make sure you have an exercise wheel and foraging toys to keep them mentally stimulated while they are in their cage. 

5. They Rarely Bite

Most people see sugar gliders and assume they are rodents. This can cause a lot of concern that these animals are prone to biting. As mentioned above, they are actually marsupials and when treated properly, biting rarely occurs.

Sugar gliders only tend to bite when they are in situations where they are scared or are being hurt. By focusing on the bonding experience, your sugar glider will develop loyalty and trust for you and in turn, is less likely to ever feel threatened. 

The Benefits of Owning a Sugar Glider

Now that you know some of the benefits of owning a sugar glider, you can begin to assess whether this pet is the right fit for your lifestyle. Owning sugar gliders can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

And these animals, when given the correct care, are loyal, loving, and fun to play with. For more articles like this, check back on our blog!