Woofwhile Treat: Why Use CBD For Dogs


As soon as we got home, we are not just comforted by our cozy sofas or delicious supper but also by our adorable pets. One of the common pets every home has is a dog.

In ancient times, dogs were not just seen as hunters but also as companions. Today, dogs have advanced their value – from being a man’s best friend, relieving stress, guarding houses, guiding blind people, to helping solve a crime. More than that, they have become a family.

With such admirable service from our beloved dogs, they deserve nothing but care, love, and some delicious and healthy treats!


The New Treat? 

The promising advantages of medical hemp to humans have become more widespread. It has also been recognized that Cannabidiol yields corresponding benefits to animals, cats and dogs in particular (read more).


What Is CBD, Anyway? 

Cannabidiol (CBD) is an extract of a hemp plant. Though marijuana and hemp come from the same genus, they are not considered equal.  

Marijuana contains THC. This stands for tetrahydrocannabinol and is the one that causes a person to get intoxicated or euphoric. Meanwhile, the hemp plant has a minimal THC amount and will not induce psychoactive effects.  

Much has been said already as to how Cannabidiol is beneficial to our health. Numerous studies were conducted and remarks were made by health professionals in supporting Cannabidiol in treating some medical conditions.


What Are The Benefits Of CBD? 

One of the most popular products is CBD Oil. Studies reveal that it helps maintain balance in our body, not to mention it’s a remedy for pain, inflammation, anxiety, and seizures. In fact, these are just some of the promising benefits it has to offer.


Introducing CBD-infused Dog Treats

Aside from medical treatments, people have been using Cannabidiol oil in their food and drinks.  

Now, for our dearest dogs, there’s no need to add CBD oil to their food since there are dog treat alternatives already. Companies like HolistaPet, for instance, offer dog treats that come in different forms intended to treat various issues, like stress and anxiety, heart and immune system, and joint mobility. This green movement for the treatment of most diseases is growing more and more popular over the years. 

CBD oil is used by some owners to dogs who have a hard time chewing treats.


Dog Treats Dosage 

In deciding the right amount of dosage, there are many factors to be considered. Say, your pet’s size, weight, and health conditions. There is a basic formula that serves as a guideline regarding CBD dosage to our dogs. See more here: https://www.caninejournal.com/cbd-dosage-for-dogs/.  

Though there’s a basic guideline on the dosage, it’s still advisable to consult your vet or seek professional help if you're not sure on how to find the best cbd dog treats for your beloved family friend.


Benefits Of Cannabidiol Dog Treats 

As much as dogs make our stress go away or soothes the pain that we have been enduring, they themselves are no exception for such symptoms. It breaks every dog-lover’s heart to see their beloved friend suffers.  

CBD dog treats carry some helpful effects to some health-related issues.  

The following are some benefits of your pet may experience: 

●     Relieves anxiety and stress

●     Remedies severe pain

●     Manages digestion problems

●     Treats inflammation and joint pain

●     Soothes Nausea

●     May alleviate cancer symptoms


Is Cannabidiol A Treat Or A Threat? 

World Health Organization stated that CBD is safe and effective for humans and animals. 

Since Cannabidiol will not induce psychoactive effects, this assures us that Cannabidiol oil and dog treats will not cause our dogs to get high or intoxicated.

Some studies found out common side effects. These include drowsiness and dry mouth. Other than that, there were no harmful side effects reported.  

However, many people are skeptical about including this type of product in their pet’s food. Here are two of the probable reasons. One, CBD for dogs is not yet approved by the FDA. And two, medical researches or advances regarding Cannabidiol on animals are still inadequate compared to CBD on humans.


Friendly Reminder 

So, what’s in it for us? Clearly, it’s best to do some research and consult our vet before using CBD for our dogs. It’s also advisable to keep an eye on our dogs’ behavior as they take Cannabidiol-based products.  

Dogs have always been faithful to us. They make us happy even in their small cute ways. So, let’s show them the warmth of our love and care.