Posts tagged tummy tuck
Tummy Tuck vs. CoolSculpting®: What's the Difference?

If there’s one area that really takes a hit during pregnancy, it’s your tummy. Not only does your skin stretch (and later sag, after childbirth), but the muscles separate, and stubborn fat seems to take up permanent residence around your midsection. And while diet and exercise can definitely help, sometimes, you need to call in a professional. Cosmetic surgery procedures like a tummy tuck have long been considered the standard for reshaping and repairing your waistline after pregnancy and childbirth. But now, a nonsurgical option is also available — CoolSculpting®. So, what's the difference? Let's take a closer look...

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What Drives Women to Consider Body Contouring?

Body image problems are one of the biggest personal issues faced by women of all ages today. Recent reports indicate that a surprising one in five women are actively planning or strongly considering plastic surgery, while about 7 percent of them have already had at least one surgery. These women aren’t just unhappy 20- or 30-somethings struggling with their looks. A whopping 85 percent of women between the ages of 55 and 64 say they are unhappy with one body part, at least

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