What’s The Best Time To Exercise: Morning Or Evening?


It is known that exercising at various times of the day can have different positive effects on health. For instance, you might discover that an evening workout helps you sleep well at night.

You'll feel less stressed if you set new goals while running in the morning, lifting weights in the afternoon, or practicing yoga in the evening.

Even though everyone is aware of how vital exercise is to our health and wellbeing, finding time to do it can be challenging given our hectic schedules.

Since what you do is more important than when you do it, exercise time should always be planned ahead.

Whichever time of day you choose to exercise, your body will gradually get used to it.

Most people prefer to work out when it best fits their schedule, thus, the time of day they choose to be active is out of their control.

Regardless of when you exercise, moving consistently has a number of positive effects on health, including boosting endurance, building strength, and improving heart health.

You may get clashing accounts from proponents of morning workouts and evening workouts. However, you would need a personalized plan if you are facing challenges with anxiety, depression, or substance use.

Fortunately, recovery is within your reach. With organizations like the Vista Pines Health Group, you can wrest back the control over your life and start working on your fitness goals.

Even if you don't regularly work out, you might be interested in learning what the research says regarding the best time to exercise.

The case for morning workouts

You may cross exercising off your to-do list in the morning and forget about it for the rest of the day.

Additionally, you'll have extra time during the day to complete other tasks or, even better, spend more time with your family.

Some other benefits include:

1.  Improved Sleep

Exercise has a strong correlation with our circadian rhythm, a 24-hour internal clock that regulates everything like when to eat, sleep, and wake up.

When you work out first thing in the morning, melatonin gets released earlier, which can improve your night sleep. How well we perform physically may be influenced by our circadian cycle.

People who exercise in the morning frequently report having deeper sleep than those who exercise in the afternoon or at night.

2. Calmer Day

Our fight-or-flight reaction is triggered by the stress hormone adrenaline, which gets released during exercise. We become more at peace when our adrenaline levels lower after exercise. Exercise also releases endorphins.

Amino acids called endorphins make people feel good and minimize the feeling of pain. Exercising in the morning keeps these chemicals maintained and that helps with balancing our moods.

Additionally, it can make you feel accomplished, which might assist you in preparing for a more carefree and fruitful day.

3. Lowers Blood Pressure

Exercising in the morning has a stronger effect on decreasing blood pressure than exercising in the afternoon.

Participants in a study saw a 16% drop in their mean overnight blood pressure when they exercised on a treadmill at 7:00 a.m. as opposed to at 1:00 p.m. or 7 p.m.

Experts advise frequent exercise to maintain heart health, since low blood pressure decreases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

4. Weight Loss

Losing weight is difficult. In comparison to other times of the day, participants lost more weight from exercising in the mornings.

Exercise can reduce post-workout appetite, according to an analysis of different studies. The secret to losing weight is a balanced diet and early morning exercise. Therefore, an early workout may be the solution to preventing hunger later on in the day.

5. Consistency

Majority of the people have fewer social and professional obligations in the morning, making it easier to stick to a regular training schedule.

A long day at work can seriously weaken their willpower, which can thwart even the best-intentioned gym goer.

Before you even have a chance to second-guess yourself, leave the house; by the time you are fully awake, you will already be on the machines.

6. Less Discomfort

If you already move and exercise to manage chronic pain, it may be beneficial to transition to an early morning routine.

One study found that people who exercised in the mornings experienced less physical pain than people who exercised in the evenings.

The case for evening workouts

Some people are still capable of engaging in intensive activity after a long day. Here are the advantages of working out later in the day.

1.  Calmer Bedtime Routine

Exercise reduces stress and anxiety, so relaxing at the end of the day can help you sleep better.

Yoga or meditation exercises can be done in the evenings. Many yoga practitioners engage in deep breathing exercises, which may change brain activity and cause a relaxation response and a quiet, tranquil frame of mind.

In addition to the breathing techniques, yoga also incorporates stretching.

2.  More Muscle Mass

Participants in a study who exercised in the evening gained more muscle mass than their peers who exercised in the morning, especially between weeks 13 and 24 of regular training. Evening workouts may ultimately be more favorable for a bulk up.

3.    Easier Routine

For many people, motivation is the biggest hindrance. Exercise must be challenging, right?

According to one study, it's more difficult to maintain motivation for a lengthy exercise routine in the morning. So, if getting to the gym is your biggest challenge, starting off with night workouts may be easier for you.

4.    Shorter Warmups

Prior to any exercise, warming up is important and necessary. As opposed to the mornings when you are fresh off the bed and the body has remained inactive for a full night, you need to warmup for longer as opposed to when you have to exercise in the evenings.

A quick warmup can allow you a bit more time to work on losing weight or building muscle.


The best time to exercise depends on our circumstances, circadian rhythms, and preferences. Both evenings and mornings have different health and fitness benefits as well. Whichever time you choose, the important thing is to exercise to live a healthier life.