What Can You Do To Prevent Breast Implant Rippling?


To ensure the most stunning results from breast augmentation, the Vancouver area’s Dr. Owen Reid says that it’s important to follow guidelines for preparation and aftercare. He explains that the majority of patients are satisfied with the results from breast augmentation, and many say it boosts their confidence. Breast implants undergo extensive testing to prove that they are safe and effective. Studies show that most patients do not experience any serious complications from this type of plastic surgery. However, in rare cases, complications may occur. Rippling or wrinkling is a side effect that occurs when wrinkles or creases form on the surface and these can be seen or felt by the patient. Sometimes visible edges can be seen beneath the skin. This problem can look most pronounced on the underarm area or when the patient is leaning over. Rippling will often be most visible on the bottom or sides of the breasts or on the cleavage as the tissues are thinnest in these areas. 

Why Would Breast Implant Rippling Occur?

There are several factors that can cause rippling, including over or underfilling a saline implant, lack of tissue coverage over the implants in cases where the patient is very thin and doesn’t have much breast tissue, a capsule that is too small for the implant, scar tissue being tethered to the skin, weight loss, loss of volume from saline implants, or too large of an implant being placed. If you have very little body fat and breast tissue, it is much more likely to occur whereas a person who has plenty of breast tissue is unlikey to experience wrinkling. This side effect could occur on both saline and silicone implants, though it is more common on saline implants. It tends to be more common for round implants than teardrop-shaped ones. Some patients are more at risk of implant rippling than others. Here’s what you can do to decrease the risk of this problem or address rippling if you have implants and have noticed this issue. 

  • Choose The Right Width, Size, and Projection

The choices you make when you’re planning your breast augmentation can help to reduce the risk of side effects. Instead of only focusing on the volume of your implants or the cup size you hope to achieve, you should also take other aspects into account if you want to ensure beautiful results including the implant size, width, and projection. For instance, the width of the implants should be the same or slightly smaller than the diameter of your breasts. A suitable implant size for your frame should be used. If the implant is too wide for your frame, it may ripple along the edges. Rippling typically occurs when there’s poor tissue coverage over the implant. It’s important to ensure that there is adequate breast tissue and that implants are not oversized or underinflated. 

  • Choose the Right Implant Placement 

If you get your implants placed completely under the muscle, the chance of implant rippling is significantly reduced in comparison to other types of implant placements. The chance of visible rippling is reduced in comparison to an above the muscle or subglandular placement. An under the muscle placement is usually best for patients who have very little natural breast tissue. If you have insufficient breast tissue, there is a higher chance of rippling because the implant will be closer to the skin. However, not everyone will be a good candidate for the under the muscle type of implant placement, so it’s important to discuss this with your plastic surgeon. 

  • Consider Silicone Implants

Although they may not be the best option for every patient, silicone implants are significantly less likely to cause rippling than saline ones, so this is something patients should consider. Due to their texture and consistency, saline implants are more likely to ripple. 

Want more information about breast augmentation? The Vancouver area’s Dr. Owen Reid can explain everything you need to know about this form of cosmetic surgery. Call 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.