Top Tips For Maintaining Dental Health For Longer


Dental health is something that many people will forget to focus on when it comes to their health in general. However, when it comes to our teeth, it’s the first thing that many people will see when greeted with a new face. It’s something that can make many feel conscious if there’s something that they feel, is wrong with their smile.

It’s thought that oral diseases impact an estimated 3.5 billion people. Looking after one’s teeth has never been more important to focus on, especially when it comes to many of us now living a lot longer. It’s important to make a conscious effort on how one is looking after their teeth.

With that in mind, here are some top tips for maintaining dental health for longer so that many more of us can enjoy sparkly gnashers for years to come.

See the dentist regularly

When it comes to visits to health professionals, make sure that a visit to the dentist is also on the to-do list. We’ll easily book ourselves into the doctors but when it comes to other healthcare facilities like the opticians, an audiologist, or a dentist, they often get forgotten about.

Seeing a dentist regularly is going to help with keeping on top of oral health in general, as well as spotting any potential problems that may currently be underlying. It’s much better to be on top of dental appointments and know that any potential issues with teeth and gums are ruled out.

At the same time, if there are any concerns or pain involving the teeth or gums, it’s always advised to book an appointment straight away.

If a person doesn’t have a dentist locally yet, then it’s time to get one. So for your next best dentist near me search, look no further than Zen Dentist for a smile makeover.

Avoid anything that stains teeth

To help keep the teeth pearly white, it’s important to avoid anything that’s going to stain the teeth. There are some food types and drinks that will stain teeth and eventually cause permanent staining.

For example, coffee is notorious for being a drink type that will stain the teeth over time and cause them to get a slight yellow color. The same can be said for smoking, with many smokers experiencing discoloration on the teeth’s surface. With that in mind, cut anything out that will likely stain the teeth.

Be wary of candy and hard foods

Candy and hard foods should be avoided as best as possible. Candies are often full of sugar and for some, hard-boiled. These hard sweets can cause chips to the teeth themselves. For others, it could pull out existing fillings.

Hard foods should be chewed carefully and only consumed on occasion. Food that is hard to bite down on is going to impact the tooth’s strength and as we get older, our teeth become more brittle and prone to breaking.

Incorporate floss and mouthwash into an oral routine

As part of the oral routine, a good way to help avoid problems with teeth and maintain dental health for longer is to incorporate floss and mouthwash into the process. 

These are two stages that are often missed out when it comes to brushing the teeth and gums. With floss, it can help to reach the places that a typical toothbrush is unable to reach. For mouthwash, it acts as a disinfectant for the mouth, which when it comes to the gums and tongue, is necessary.

Did you know that there are more bacteria on the tongue than there are on a toilet seat? That’s why mouthwash is an effective way to keep teeth clean.

Replace toothbrushes regularly

It’s important that when it comes to toothbrushes, they’re being replaced regularly. When the brush head shows signs of fraying apart, then it’s time to get it replaced. The reason for this is that when it starts fraying or the bristles start coming apart, it means the brush is becoming ineffective.

By replacing the toothbrushes every few months, it’s going to make a big difference to the health of the teeth in general.

Use the best toothpaste suited for teeth

Toothpaste varies from one brand to the other. There are some toothpaste types that have more fluoride in them than others and so are specialized to help those who may have more sensitivity than others.

Take a look at what toothpastes are out there and whether it’s worth switching it out for something else that may work a little better.

Don’t brush too hard

Brushing teeth is something that needs to be done with care and attention. If a person brushes too hard, then chances are, it’s going to cause damage to the tooth and to the gums in general. Ideally, there should be enough force to rub off the debris on the teeth but not so much that it causes the gums to bleed.

Try to correct any brushing that is at present, too aggressive on the teeth and gums.

Brush after every meal

When brushing, a good way to ensure the teeth are clean is to brush after every meal. It’s often easier to brush your teeth in the morning and last minute before going to bed. However, if it’s possible to brush the teeth after a lunchtime meal, then it can help keep the teeth clean and less impact will be caused in that time between brushing.

Chew sugar-free gum after eating

A good way to prevent the build-up of debris on the teeth, which can cause damage to the enamel, is to chew sugar-free gum. Chewing sugar-free gum is a great way to help with the cleaning of teeth when there’s not a toothbrush in sight. However, when it comes to gum, make sure it’s sugar-free because if it’s not, then the sugar aspect of the gum is only going to impact the teeth further.

With these tips, dental health can continue to look fantastic even into a more mature age!