Taking Good Care Of Your Child's Eyes


As parents, we want to make sure our children are healthy and thriving in every way possible. While we may prioritize regular doctor visits, good nutrition, and exercise for our kids, we often overlook the importance of eye health. In fact, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, one in four children have a vision problem, and many of these problems go undiagnosed. As a parent, it's important to take good care of your child's eyes to ensure their overall well-being. 

With that in mind, here are some tips to help you do just that:

Schedule regular eye exams

It's important, as a parent, to schedule regular eye exams for your little one, even if they don't appear to be having any issues with their vision. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that children have their eyes checked at birth, at six months old, at three years old, and then once a year when they start school. If your child has a family history of eye problems or if you notice any issues with their vision, you should schedule an appointment with an eye doctor right away.

Encourage good eye hygiene

Teaching your child good eye hygiene habits can help prevent infections and other issues. Encourage your child to wash their hands frequently, especially before touching their eyes. Discourage your child from rubbing their eyes, as this can introduce dirt and bacteria into the eye area. Additionally, make sure your child doesn't share towels, pillows, or other items that can spread eye infections.

Monitor screen time

Many children spend a significant amount of time using electronic devices such as phones, tablets, and computers. While these devices can be helpful for learning and entertainment, they can also strain the eyes. Encourage your child to take frequent breaks when using electronic devices and to look away from the screen periodically to rest their eyes. Consider limiting screen time to a reasonable amount each day to avoid overexposure.

Provide eye-friendly nutrition

A healthy diet can help promote good eye health. Encourage your child to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, especially those that are high in vitamin A and C. Foods like carrots, spinach, and sweet potatoes are great options for promoting healthy eyesight. Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and other foods can help protect against eye diseases.

Protect their eyes from the sun

Just like your skin, your child's eyes are susceptible to damage from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Encourage your child to wear sunglasses or a hat with a brim to help protect their eyes from the sun. Look for sunglasses with 100% UV protection, and consider getting prescription sunglasses if your child wears glasses.

Teach proper eye safety

Teaching your child about proper eye safety can help prevent injuries that could lead to vision problems. Make sure your child wears appropriate eye protection when playing sports or doing other activities that could result in eye injuries. Additionally, discourage your child from playing with sharp objects or other items that could accidentally poke or scratch their eyes.

Ensure proper lighting

Proper lighting is important for good eye health, especially when your child is reading or doing other close work. Make sure the area where your child is working has adequate lighting, and avoid bright or dim lighting that could strain their eyes, and encourage them not to read devices in the dark either because, although they have their own backlighting it is not always ideal for good eye health and can cause eye strains too.

Avoid smoking

Smoking is harmful to overall health and can also cause eye problems such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Avoid smoking or exposing your child to secondhand smoke to help protect their eyes, and of course, if you quit smoking, it will do your health the world of good too, while also protecting your children from poor health in general too.

Keep your child's eyes hydrated

Dry eyes can be uncomfortable and can lead to other issues for adults and children alike. That is why, if you want to take good care of their eyes, you should encourage your child to drink plenty of water and use eye drops if necessary to keep their eyes hydrated.

Be a good role model

You should also try to be a good role model for your child when it comes to eye health. Take good care of your own eyes, wear appropriate eye protection when necessary, and make eye exams a regular part of your own healthcare routine. By modeling good eye health habits, you can encourage your child to do the same.

Be aware of symptoms

It is never a bad idea to make yourself aware of any symptoms that could indicate a problem with your child's eyes, such as frequent headaches, eye rubbing, redness, or blurred vision. That way, you will be able to act more quickly if they are suffering from an eye condition. Kids don’t always know how to tell us when there is something wrong, so the more we know, and the more alert we are, the better for their health.

If your child does experience any of the symptoms above, be sure to schedule an eye exam right away.

Address any issues promptly

If you notice any issues with your child's vision or if they complain of discomfort or pain in their eyes or their eyes are red and blurry, it's important to address the issue promptly as it could be a symptom of something like chronic uveitis. Ignoring potential problems could lead to worsening conditions or even permanent vision loss in the most extreme cases. If you have any concerns, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with an eye doctor, because when it comes to your child’s health, as you will know, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Taking good care of your child's eyes is an important part of their overall health and well-being. By doing all of the above, and addressing any issues promptly, you can help your child maintain healthy eyesight for years to come.