7 Simple Ways You Can Improve Your Health Today


When we think about our health, it's easy to feel stressed or anxious. After all, it's a marathon – not a sprint! We should try to take small steps, not make massive changes. Whether you want to lose weight, eat better meals or address a condition, there's so much you can do to start. Don't let this journey overwhelm you.

Here are a few manageable ways to improve your health today.

1. Start a Bedtime Routine

Most people don't achieve restful sleep when they go to bed. Adults need around seven to nine hours every day, while teenagers need slightly more. You can attribute a lack of peaceful rest to many different factors. Sometimes, specific ailments cause sleep problems, so it's essential to speak with a doctor if you suspect that's the case. Otherwise, it's time to adopt a new bedtime routine.

About an hour before bed, turn off all electronics. Then, brush your teeth and wash your face as usual. You may want to incorporate a tranquil activity, like a bath, so that you can calm down appropriately. Afterward, change your clothes and get into bed. You should fall asleep more quickly as a result.

2. Exercise for 15 Minutes

You don't need to exercise for an hour to see results. In fact, a daily 15-minute walk can make a massive difference. If you don't want to walk on a trail or around your neighborhood, try a quick cardio workout instead. Of course, it's not always possible to incorporate exercise, especially when you're busy. As long as you attempt to head outside for some fresh air, that's what counts.

You can search for easy home fitness routines online. Follow along with videos if you need a little help.

3. Smile More Frequently

On the surface, this tip may seem a little silly. However, people who smile frequently enjoy different health benefits, such as an increased mood. Positive actions and words can create a happier mindset, which translates into better mental wellness. Even if you're sad, you can fake a more joyful outward appearance with a simple grin. Whenever you feel a bit down, show off those pearly whites.

Many people like to start their mornings with a positive affirmation – a few sentences that boost their confidence and self-love. When you wake up, say a few words and smile at your reflection. You'll feel ready to take on the day.

4. Drink a Glass of Water

When was the last time you drank a glass of water? Often, we're not hydrated enough – and this health issue can lead to headaches, irritability and fatigue. Plus, water helps our bodies process food more thoroughly. You may notice softer skin if you drink more water, too. It's necessary to consume about two liters every day, but each person's needs vary. You may be able to drink more or less than the recommended amount.

Whenever you reach for a soda or tea, choose water instead. You can even add fruit slices for flavor.

5. Cook a New Recipe

There's never been a better time to discover a new nutritious recipe. What we eat correlates directly to physical and mental wellness, so it's necessary to make healthier choices when possible. Currently, you might choose takeout and fast food over home-cooked meals, which aren't the greatest options. It takes a moment to kick those habits, so try to take a more casual but pointed approach.

For instance, maybe you ordered pizza for lunch today, and you plan to eat the leftovers tomorrow. That's fine! Tonight, look up wholesome recipes to make a small change.

6. Try a Meditative Practice

Everyone could use a calmer approach to life. If you don't have a lot of time on your hands, it can feel especially hard to find time for yourself. That said, it's just as vital as continuous exercise and a healthy diet. Every day, set aside a few moments to sit down and think. You can try basic meditation, start a journal or listen to music. Either way, choose an activity that makes you feel more at peace.

Your personal practices may differ from someone else's, so don't be afraid to get creative.

7. Skip the Alcohol

Red wine can indeed supply nutrients, but for the most part, alcohol shouldn't be a top pick. These beverages can lead to substantial issues, from an irregular heart pattern to the risk of certain cancers. Of course, a beer after dinner won't create many problems – except for some unnecessary calories. That said, try to think about alcohol as a new pair of shoes. It makes you happy, but you don't really need it.

Today, put away the cocktail shakers and try that glass of water!

Use These Ideas for a More Wholesome Approach to Life

At first, healthy changes can be a bit much, but they're worth the effort. Try these ideas today to stay on top of your wellness once and for all.