4 Ways To Maximize Your Results From Exercise


Hitting the gym on a regular basis can enhance your muscles, keep fat off, and improve your overall appearance so that you look more proportional. However, don’t expect your efforts to make drastic changes to your body shape, especially if you have resistant fat in certain areas thanks to genetics or hormones. For people who exercise regularly and want to finally get their desired look after putting in all that effort, liposuction is an effective strategy. That said, despite how the term “fat reduction” might sound, don’t be fooled by myths about this cosmetic procedure. It’s important to remember that liposuction is not intended to be a weight loss strategy. If you’re carrying an extra 50 or more pounds that you’d like to lose, it’s better to get rid of the weight and be sure you can keep it off before having a surgical procedure. In fact, an ideal candidate for liposuction, says Philadelphia area’s Cross Medical Group, would be someone who is within 30 percent of their ideal body weight, with a good elastic skin tone and firm muscle tone. 

Consistency and hard work are important, but so is training smart, so you need to be strategic. If you’re working out in preparation for liposuction or another type of plastic surgery, here are some techniques that can help you get the most out of each gym session, see results faster, and take your fitness to the next level:

1. Have a Caffeine Boost

Caffeine can be a great exercise supplement. If you want a performance boost during your next workout, try having a cup of coffee around half an hour before your next gym session to give the caffeine enough time to kick in. This will also make working out feel more enjoyable. Anything that makes working out more fun could drive you to push yourself harder. Coffee increases your metabolism, has fat-burning properties, and improves focus, among other benefits. You could also try green tea or green tea extract as an alternative. 

2. Add Some Props 

Chances are good that you may have seen someone else using a piece of gym equipment you’re unfamiliar with, but have been too intimidated to try out. If you want a more intense workout, consider adding some new products to your home gym, like dumbbells, kettlebells, TRX bands, foam rollers, weighted medicine balls, and sliding discs. By adding these fitness props, you’ll work various muscle groups, intensify standard workout moves, and burn more energy in a shorter amount of time. 

3. Put Together a Playlist 

Do you like listening to music while you’re working out? Music is one of those things that takes your focus away from difficult exercises and makes them more enjoyable. Putting together a solid playlist is a fun way to keep yourself motivated on your way to and during a workout. Just remember to select songs that are upbeat and energising with the right lyrics and volume to keep you in your “zone” during your gym session. It helps to base your music choices on your workout style and ensure that it matches the intensity. When your playlist has a few slower songs that don’t keep you pumped up, having to slow down and skip through to get to higher tempo songs might take your focus off what you’re doing. 

4. Do Cardio After Weights 

We all have some types of workouts we enjoy better than others, but both cardio and weight training are essential. If your goal is to burn fat and shed weight, try shifting things around and doing cardio after lifting, or saving cardio for days when you don’t do weight training. Doing cardio first will take up too much energy, fatiguing the muscles before you get around to running or other aerobic exercise. 

Want to learn more about what body sculpting, including liposuction, involves? The Philadelphia area-based Cross Medical Group team can provide information about this fat reduction technique and other surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. Call (215) 561-9100 or submit a contact form to schedule a consultation