What To Look For In A Zero Waste Laundry Detergent


Are you trying to go green? Are you trying to be conscious of the environment that is all around you? Are you guilty of littering the world with plastic and want to make a better choice this time? Zero waste stores are going to be your best friend from here on. One of the greatest zero waste stores is the ecoroots zero waste store.  

There are a few things that you need to be taken care of whenever you're looking for zero waste laundry detergent. You can find some super top quality eco friendly detergent here. Here are a few tips that you need to keep in mind next time you go laundry detergent shopping:


1.  Great For Your Skin

Always go for a laundry detergent and that is not only zero waste it is really great for your skin as well.  There are a lot of harmful ingredients in regular returns that can be abrasive and damaging towards your skin so you might want to steer clear of them. A good zero waste detergent for your laundry will definitely not damage your skin in the process of cleaning your clothes.

2.  Great For The Clothes

When it comes to the longevity of your clothes, zero waste laundry detergent is definitely much more helpful in comparison to a regular one. It is no lie that the regular one does not really take care of your clothes as much. There are harmful chemicals inside regular laundry detergents that are not found in zero waste ones.

3.  Great For The Planet

The best part about zero waste laundry detergent is that it is not harmful for planet Earth.  Imagine making a detergent that keeps in mind the health of your planet as well as the cleanliness of your clothes. Zero waste laundry detergents make sure that the planet is not being made dirty in the process of cleaning your clothes. They are completely pollution free and really important for the planet right now.

4.  Recyclable or Compostable Packaging

One of the biggest problems of our world is the immense number of packets and packaging that we used to wrap our stuff in. It is becoming more important than ever to use recyclable compostable packaging because the world is literally littered with plastic waste and packaging waste. zero waste laundry detergents come in a compostable packaging that is taken up by mother earth yet again whenever the job is done.

5.  No More Plastic Jugs

It is literally a scary sight to see millions upon millions of plastic jugs used every single day for laundry detergents. they are going to pile up millions over Millions and we might not be able to control it when the time comes. We need to be mindful of our plastic creation and usage right now and zero waste laundry detergents are an excellent solution to this problem. So whenever you're looking for zero waste laundry detergent, read the label and look at the packaging.

6.  Scented Or Not

Whenever you're looking for a zero waste laundry detergent, it is great to understand that it comes in a scented variety and a non-scented variety. It must be kept in mind that both the varieties should not be harmful for the environment and that is where you need to read your packages in labels really clearly.