Top Supplements You Really Need


Even if you have a balanced diet, your body will still need a boost for your longterm health. This is where vitamins and dietary supplements come in! These supplements help you manage your overall health and wellbeing. 

Consider the following supplements if you are looking to improve your overall health.


Remember when mum used to tell you to take your vitamins? Multivitamins are vital for optimal health. Food will give you the nutrients your body needs. However, it doesn’t guarantee to fuel your body with all that it needs. This is where multivitamins play a crucial role. They are a great form of health boosters because they nourish you with nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that improve performance and lowers the risk of diseases such as insulin resistance and premature aging. 


Pretty sure you’ve heard an omega-3 joke among your friends or in the office when someone is forgetful. Omega-3s boosts brainpower, protect it, and helps it to develop. Omega -3 fatty acids is a formidable ally in the fight against inflammation that causes diseases. This supplement has proven to lower inflammation and, in turn, help reduce chronic pain and treat brain trauma, asthma, arthritis, and autoimmune diseases. Omega-3s also increase the level of HDL that is referred to as good cholesterol for the body, lowers high blood pressure and boosts metabolism. If you are not getting enough omega-3s from fish and walnuts, you can supplement your diet with fish oil. 


These are different kinds of supplements in that they are living microorganisms. Probiotics promote good gut health that subsequently leads to better digestion, a strong immune system and improved digestive tract balance. In detail, probiotics increase the number of good bacteria and lower harmful ones. These living organisms also help cure bowel diseases, allergies, food sensitivities, and reduce your chances of getting a cold. If you are having trouble sleeping, feeling fatigued or low mood, then eat kefir and probiotic yogurt. 

Vitamin B12  

Vitamin B12 is another essential supplement that helps the body produce DNA and RNA, also known as the building blocks for cells in your body. It is also crucial for the proper functioning of your nervous system. Your body cannot naturally produce vitamin B12; therefore, you get it by taking supplements and animal foods. Supplements work best, especially for vegetarians and for people who aren’t getting enough of the vitamin from animal foods. Lack of this vitamin causes serious health issues, including muscle weakness, weak immune systems, risk of cardiovascular diseases and mental problems. All these health risks highlight the importance of vitamin B12. 

Vitamin D

Equally critical to the vitamin mentioned above is vitamin D. In fact, a lack of vitamin D is prevalent and consequently leads to several diseases. However, before we get into the health issues associated with a lack of vitamin D, let’s take a look at its merits. It’s impressive reading about the importance of vitamin D to your body. For instance, it ensures healthy and strong bones. It also boosts your immune system and supports muscle functions. In a nutshell, you can move around because the vitamin strengthens your body. Unprotected natural sunlight helps your body to make vitamin D. However, more often than not, it is not enough, and supplements help with that. Vitamin D deficiency causes muscle weakness, fatigue, aches, and viral infections.  

Folic Acid

Similar to vitamin B12, folic acid helps your body to produce DNA, red and white blood cells. Folic acid is the manufactured supplement used as a folate substitute. Folic acid is most important to pregnant women as it lowers the risk of birth problems. It helps to develop an unborn baby spine and brain. Doctors recommend folic acid supplements to especially pregnant women, to improve their bodies control blood pressure, promote blood flow and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Folic acid deficiency can lead to anemia, congenital disabilities for pregnant women, digestive issues and, in extreme cases, kidney and liver diseases.


Believe it or not, a considerable percentage of adults lack magnesium. Magnesium is involved in almost all functions of the body. Taking magnesium supplements can help your body to treat muscle cramps, headaches, and asthma. It also helps with muscle contraction, cell production, bone development, boosts the nervous system, and energy levels. The supplements can be in the form of citrate and magnesium oxide. Magnesium deficiency will lead to low energy, weak muscles, and bones, among others.


It is evident that food alone can not  provide the body with enough nutrients and vitamins to function optimally and stay healthy. To boost your long term health, you need vitamins and dietary supplementsGood thing is that they are readily available from different brands. Stock up a few and enjoy good health!