Why Families Should Avoid Pesticides


Modern farming practices make regular use of pesticides. These chemicals help keep insects off crops, increasing yields and reducing damage. Unfortunately, pesticides come with a host of negative side effects. And that’s what we discuss in this post. Ultimately, you may decide that you want your family to avoid them altogether. 

The good news is that getting the pesticides out of your diet and home is relatively easy. All you need to do is buy organic food and avoid insect-killing sprays. It’s as simple as that. 

So what are the reasons for avoiding pesticides? Let’s take a look. 

The Effects Of High Pesticide Exposure

The effects of high pesticide exposure on the human body can be severe. For instance, consuming too many pesticides or being exposed to them in high quantities can alter gene expression, leading to Parkinson’s disease

Extensive studies on big groups of people also show that pesticide exposure could increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Again, pesticides seem to work by changing gene expression in the body, leading to negative outcomes. 

As you might expect, exposure to certain types of pesticides is also associated with an increase in cancer rates. One study found that spouses of pesticide-using farmers were much more likely to experience hormone-related cancers, such as breast and thyroid. Other studies find that organophosphate exposure is much more likely to lead to the development of breast cancer over time. 

Adults exposed to certain types of pesticides are also more likely to develop neurological conditions, including peripheral neuropathy. Pesticides can interfere with synaptic signaling, leading to tingling or numb sensations in the extremities that worsen over time. 

The Effects Of Pesticide Exposure On Children

Worryingly, it appears as though children are at particularly high risk of pesticide exposure. Studies have found, for instance, that kids exposed to high levels of pesticides are much more likely to experience ADHD and various forms of childhood cancer. They are also more likely to develop neurological and behavioral conditions. 

What Can You Do About Pesticide Exposure?

The first thing to do is to remove all pesticides from your environment. Buy organic food only if you can afford it, and stop using any spray products in your home designed to kill insects. 

Next, if you or anyone in your family has tingling in the fingers or toes, visit a chiropractor. They can often address peripheral neuropathy issues without resorting to drugs. 

Do whatever you can to reduce your family’s exposure to environmental pollutants. Cut your exposure to meat which can concentrate various pollutants in high quantities. 

If you can’t afford organic foods, you might want to switch to GMOs. While many people worry about the impact of these on their health, they are considerably less likely to contain large amounts of pesticides. That’s because they are genetically designed to resist consumption by insects. 

Overall, avoiding pesticides can offer some families significant health benefits. Lowering exposure can protect against a range of illnesses, both short and long-term. Eating organic foods may also offer superior nutrition as an added benefit.