What Are the Most Effective Treatments For Acne Scars?


Laser treatments are known for their ability to enhance the appearance of the skin, but many people may not realize the light-based devices are also effective on scars caused by acne. Irving-based dermatologist Dr. Ellen Turner explains that lasers can dramatically improve the look of the skin, including by addressing one of the most common complications that can develop because of acne.

Scars can occur when acne lesions—such as cysts and nodules—rupture or burst and damage the surrounding tissue.

There are different types of acne scars. Some may be indentations in the surface of the skin, while others may be raised. Laser treatments are ideal for patients who want to address these scars and restore a younger, smoother, and clearer skin tone with results that can last for years to come, while also reducing damage caused by sun exposure, fine lines, and other blemishes. 

The procedure involves deploying beams of light treat to minor skin flaws. Short, concentrated beams are delivered directly to the targeted irregularities. In addition to making overall skin coloring more even, lasers can tighten lax tissue, minimize lesions, and even stimulate the growth of collagen fibers.

Keep in mind that lasers aren’t the only method for making acne scars appear less pronounced. If you’re bothered by the appearance of acne scars, there are certain types of laser skin resurfacing techniques and other ways of reducing them that you can consider. 

Laser Skin Resurfacing 

Laser treatments can be ideal for mild to moderate acne scarring. Erbium-YAG laser resurfacing treats a wide variety of skin irregularities, including acne scars on the face, neck, chest, and hands. This treatment can reduce acne scars that can’t be corrected with a skincare routine alone. One of the advantages of Erbium laser treatments is that they cause very little damage to the surrounding tissue. By delivering heat to the scarred collagen in the skin, lasers will stimulate the wound healing process to stimulate the production of new collagen. The recovery time is shorter and causes fewer side effects compared to CO2 laser treatments. However, it should be noted that lasers aren’t designed to treat active acne.

Other light and laser-based treatments can also be beneficial for acne scars. As always, treatments should start with a consultation in order to determine the best approach for each patient.

Chemical Peels 

The best treatment for you depends on your skin type and the type of scarring you have. For a chemical peel, a special solution is applied directly to the face to remove the outer layer of damaged skin and allow new, smoother, and fresher skin that has fewer scars to grow in. 


Microneedling promotes the production of collagen in the skin by causing tiny injuries to stimulate the skin’s natural healing processes. This strategy is most effective on depressed rather than raised acne scars because of its collagen-inducing effects. 

Radiofrequency Microneedling

Similar to microneedling is radiofrequency microneedling whereby not only are ultra-fine needles inserted much like a stamp into the dermal layer of the skin, but then a radiofrequency pulse of energy is delivered creating even more collagen from the combination effect of the microneedling plus the radiofrequency pulse. This treatment has become especially effective , and thus popular, in the treatment of acne scarring.

Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic acid facial fillers are injected beneath the skin’s surface to add volume and lift the skin upward, so they reduce the depressions in the skin that are caused by acne scars. These are temporary treatments, so patients will need to have them injected every few months to maintain the look of smoother skin. 


Microdermabrasion is another popular technique for softening the appearance of acne scars. A machine is used to remove dead skin cells from the outer surface to give it a smoother, younger appearance. This strategy is ideal for certain types of depressed acne scars that cause indentations in the skin. Be removing the excess oil and dead skin cells that clog the pores, it can also help to reduce the frequency of acne breakouts. 

Ready to learn more about the benefits of laser skin resurfacing, peels, microneedling, and more for patients with psoriasis or acne in Irving? The team at the Dermatology Office of Dr. Ellen Turner will tell you more about how this laser restores a more even skin tone and texture. Call (214) 373-7546 or submit a contact form to request an appointment if you would like to find out more about this skin treatment.