4 Smart Ways To Start Your Day Right


The way you start your day can really affect your mood and everything that happens after. When you begin the day in a bad mood or feeling tired, it often doesn't really improve. But if you can manage to start your morning on the right foot, it can help to make the rest of your day much more pleasant. Getting up in the morning isn't always easy, even if having children forces you to be an early riser. You can struggle to deal with stress in the morning too, particularly when the whole family has places to be. But there are some top things you can do to start your day right.

Follow a Morning Routine

Everyone should have a good morning routine, and that goes double for parents. When you have a routine, it can help to create order and calm for the whole family. You won't necessarily be able to follow your routine to the letter every single day, but it should help you to keep some kind of balance. When you're thinking about your routine, think about what everyone needs to do to be ready for the day and how long it usually all takes. When you get into the swing of things, it can be much easier for everyone.

Get Moving

A lot of people find it hard to wake up in the morning. It's really tempting to just roll over and hit the snooze button for a little while. But the sooner you get up, the more time you will have to start your day and make the most of the morning. One thing that you might find helpful is spending some time moving your body. Whether you're able to get in a full workout, or you just have time to do five minutes of yoga or stretching before the kids come barreling in, it can help to wake you up.

Have a Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is definitely the most important meal of the day for busy parents, and for children too. The right breakfast can give you the energy that you need to tackle the rest of the day. When you get up, try starting with a glass of water to rehydrate after sleeping. Then have a healthy organic breakfast with your drink of choice, whether it's tea, coffee, juice, a smoothie, or something else. There are lots of breakfast ideas that are easy to make for the whole family, or options that give everyone a choice of what to have.

Take a Moment for Self-Care

It's not always easy to get a moment to yourself in the morning, but try to grab a few minutes of self-care if you can. This might be time to put on your makeup or do your hair, five minutes doing some deep breathing or meditation, or just a minute or two on your own while everyone else is busy or still in bed. Sometimes it's worth getting up a little earlier to be able to do this.

Start your day off right with these smart tips to improve your mood and make your mornings healthy.