4 Tips For Parenting Your Teen


As the parent of a teenager, sometimes you may feel like you're not listened to at all. It may feel like you have no influence over them and may question their decisions. The teenage years are known as being a period of rebellion and testing of limits, so it's not uncommon for you to experience a lot of conflict with your teen.  

However, despite their need for independence, they also need guidance. Between social pressures and potentially getting involved in dangerous behavior that you could be held responsible for as their parent, there's a lot at stake. Therefore here are some of the best tips to help you guide your young person during such a challenging time. 


Be More Than Just a Parent  

Even though ultimately, your role is a parent, don't forget to be a friend. Teens need to be reassured that they can trust you and appreciate who they are.  Even though you need to be firm, sometimes it's also important to remind them that you love them. Pushing the rules too hard and forgetting to be their friend can lead to them isolating themselves.  

Remind them that your relationship requires mutual respect. In many cases, the more respect that you give, the more respect that you'll get in return. It may take time; however, with enough work on both your parts, you can eventually find your way.  Eventually, you will find a balance between being a friend and a parent. 


Spend Quality Time Together  

Quality time is an important part of maintaining a relationship with your team. It's important you check in regularly to see what is going on in their life. Even a few minutes of chatting every day can make a significant difference in how tuned in you are to their lives. You never know what can be going on in your child's life away from home, so it's important that you check in. 


Be Consistent  

Failing to be consistent with the rules will invite rebellion. It's important that you create the rules and enforce them accordingly. If you allow the rules to be bent, then why are they there in the first place? Make sure that they respect the rules bye never bending them.  Once you make an exception, they'll expect the same every time. 


Eat Dinner Together 

It's not uncommon for modern families to have busy and conflicting schedules. However, psychologists agree that eating dinner together is one of the best ways to stay close as a family. Make it a priority to eat meals together at least several times a week, and you'll have a better chance of identifying any issues that might be going on in their life.