3 Signs Your Kid May Need Summer Tutoring


Studies show that tutoring can boost test scores by 12 percentage points. Tutoring also helps improve not only test scores but grades as well for 8 out of 10 students. Is your child one of the many students who could benefit from summer tutoring?

As a parent, it's essential to provide extra help to your child when in need. However, when you're not sure if your child needs the extra help or not, there are several signs to be on the lookout for.

In the guide below, you'll find a few signs that your child might need a tutor this summer. Continue reading for more tutoring information!

1. Your Child's Grades Have Dropped

Your little ones used to receive on-level or above-level grades each semester. Then, something changed. You're not sure why, but suddenly your child's grades dropped.

Progress reports now indicate that your child is falling behind, and it's time to schedule a conference with the teacher. After speaking with the teacher, you should have more clarity on where your child's struggling and what they need to work on. This is a sign that it's time to contact a professional tutor, such as one at Ectutoring.com.

Provide the tutor with the information given to you by the teacher for the best results.

2. Your Child Struggles With One Subject

Does your child seem to do well in all school subjects except for one? Many young children struggle with core subjects such as reading, writing, or math. Once you realize your child's struggling with one specific subject, then this is a sign that they need the extra help.

Your child does well with other subjects and is still a great student, but may not understand one particular subject as well as the others. A tutor can focus on the difficult subject and bring your child back on level.

3. Your Child Lost Interest in School

Once a child starts struggling with one or more subjects in school, they can become discouraged. Soon, this can lead to your child becoming uninterested in going to school. It's not easy for a little one to feel as though they're not smart enough or as smart as the other students who may be doing well in school.

If you notice your child trying to avoid school, especially after a night of difficult homework or the day of testing, then it could be the right time to contact a reputable tutor. A great tutor will not only help improve your child's grades and test scores but also remind your child that learning can be challenging at times but fun as well.

Can Your Child Benefit From Summer Tutoring?

Do you believe your child would benefit from summer tutoring? If any of these signs listed above seem familiar to you, then it's time to start conducting some research. Take the time to find the right tutor near you to ensure the best tutoring experience possible for your child.

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